Understanding Types of Kidney Disease and Their Treatment

kidney disease

Know Your Kidneys!

Every organ of the human body performs some specific important functions, and the same applies to the kidneys, which are essential for maintaining overall health. Two bean-shaped organs, with each being about the size of a fist, make up the kidneys. Kidneys are responsible for filtering excess fluid as well as waste products from your body and also help in urine formation.

What do kidneys do?

Approximately half a cup of blood is filtered per minute by healthy kidneys. Other important functions include

  • Regulating blood pressure
  • Sustain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals
  • Managing the level of calcium and phosphorus in the body for healthy bones

Your body’s muscles, nerves, and other tissues might not function properly without this balance maintained by the kidneys.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Kidney disease refers to a condition when the organs are unable to carry out their functions properly, leading to various health issues adversely impacting an individual’s overall health. When kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluids start to accumulate, causing swelling in the body. Additional early symptoms of kidney disease include

  • Fatigue 
  • Nausea 
  • Urination Issues 
  • Sleeping Difficulty

The issue can worsen if it is not treated in a timely manner.

Kidney Disease Types

Different types of kidney diseases cause varying health issues. Let us explore each type of renal disease in detail.

Chronic Kidney Disease

The term “chronic kidney disease” describes a gradual loss of kidney functioning over time, which leads to waste accumulation in the body and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Approximately 800 people per million have CKD. In India, around 40–60% of CKD cases are caused by diabetes and hypertension.

Acute Kidney Injury

Acute kidney injury (AKI), often referred to as acute renal failure (ARF), is a sudden occurrence of kidney failure or damage that occurs in a short duration of time, like in a few hours or days. It makes it difficult for your kidneys to maintain proper fluid balance in your body, leading to an accumulation of waste products in your blood. AKI can also impact the heart, lungs, brain, and other organs.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

This can be described as an inherited condition that causes the development of several fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys. The kidneys may suffer harm if there are too many cysts or if they grow larger in size. These cysts impair kidney functioning and ultimately lead to kidney failure. A liver cyst is another potential complication associated with PKD.

Kidney Stones

A solid, pebble-like material that can develop in one or both of your kidneys is called a kidney stone. They occur due to increased levels of certain minerals in the blood that crystallise and solidify into masses. Once formed, the stone may remain in the kidney or pass into the ureter through the urinary tract. An individual may experience sharp pain while attempting to pass out the stone from the body through urination.  

Urinary Tract Infection

It refers to bacterial infections that can occur in any part of the urinary system. The infection commonly occurs in the bladder and urethra. Individuals experience a burning sensation while urinating. Females experience them more because their urethra is shorter and closer to the anus than that of males. 

If left untreated, these disorders can ultimately result in kidney failure.

Treatment Approaches for Kidney Disease

An accurate early diagnosis of kidney disease can contribute towards an effective treatment since the course of treatment varies depending on the kind of renal disease and other medical issues. People with severely reduced renal function search for alternatives to kidney dialysis and transplants. They seek treatment that eases symptoms, reduces complications, and prevents disease worsening. Due to advancements in medical research and treatment, there are several approaches related to kidney disease treatment. 


Allopathy treatment for kidney disease uses certain medications or syrups to combat or eliminate an illness. When your body is unable to fight against diseases on its own or is unable to eliminate them, medications may prove quite helpful. However, since allopathy makes use of synthetic and manufactured substances in its medications, it may result in adverse side effects, including rashes, swelling, itching, or even breathing difficulty. 

Long-term use of allopathic medications increases the body’s dependence on them and weakens the immune system, which is the body’s natural defence mechanism. Most importantly, apart from these drawbacks, it can only temporarily relieve the symptoms of an illness and cannot eliminate the root cause of the disease. 


According to the ideology of Ayurveda, illnesses occur due to an imbalance in Vat (wind), Pit (bile), and Kaf (phlegm). While aiming to restore health and wellness, ayurveda considers the internal and external factors that may disturb the body’s natural balance. Despite being a natural form of treatment having many benefits, it still has some limitations and is not free from associated risks.

Ayurvedic kidney treatment is not regarded as a reliable option due to a lack of evidence-based research and testing for its medications and treatments. Its medicines are also not free from side effects and may result in allergic reactions, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, etc. Finally, ayurveda’s treatment generally requires a longer time to show its results, especially when it is treating a serious ailment like kidney disease. 


The goal of naturopathic treatment is to help the body heal itself via the use of natural medicines. A number of methods can be found in the naturopathy treatment list, including acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, exercise, and dietary advice. However, there are some concerns and risk factors associated with naturopathic treatments. There is limited recognition and acceptance of naturopathy treatment due to a dearth of scientific evidence to support and prove its effectiveness.

Its treatment method comprises a detox diet that involves cutting out certain foods. In the longer term, it may pose a risk of deficiency of essential nutrients in the body. As each body reacts differently to medicine, naturopathy adheres to the principle of trial and error and, therefore, is a time-consuming treatment.

Due to all these limitations of various treatments, people are searching for a treatment that is non-invasive, effective, involves a natural healing process and has no negative side effects. 


Kidney treatment by homeopathy follows the principle of vital force. The term “vital force” describes the body’s natural ability to resist an illness and maintain overall well-being. Vital force is responsible for all primary bodily functions. Homeopathic treatment aims to strengthen the vital force so that it may displace the illness by its own inherent vitality. Homeopathy kidney treatment aims to treat the patient on all levels—physical, mental, and emotional—and its treatment is tailored as per the specific requirements of each patient. 

Homeopathic medicine is suggested after detailed case-taking with the aim of curing the illness rather than merely suppressing its symptoms. In homeopathy, the emphasis is on individualisation; even if two patients may have the same ailment, they could be getting different remedies. 

The widespread recognition of homeopathy as a viable treatment option in India for serious illnesses can be gauged from the fact that it is the third most popular form of treatment in the country. It has mixed up so well into the nation’s history and traditions that it is acknowledged as one of the National Systems of Medicine and is crucial for providing healthcare to a large number of individuals.

Why Bharat Homeopathy?

At Bharat Homeopathy, every single procedural safeguard is followed while developing customised medicines for the patient. We strive to deliver the best possible treatment to our patients through systematic analysis of their disease symptoms and associated conditions. Our dedicated and experienced team of professional doctors, led by Dr. Mahima and Dr. Kanchan, offer a course of treatment, including a diet routine that is tailored to every patient’s needs and formulated with careful planning. We have established our credibility by maintaining high standards of confidentiality in patients’ data. Due to our side-effect-free results, we have become another name for reliability in the world of healthcare.