How to increase Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

What is the Glomerular filtration rate?

It is a term used in the knowledge of the urinary system. GFR stands for the Glomerular filtration rate. It indirectly indicates the efficiency of the kidney. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is defined as the plasma volume that is filtered by the glomeruli per unit of time and is usually measured by estimating the rate of clearance of medicine from the plasma.

A decreased level of the Glomerular filtration rate indicates that the patient is suffering from kidney disease. An untreated decreased Glomerular filtration rate can cause serious health issues. The old-age patients and some persons with genetic defects are prone to the decreased glomerular filtration rate. We at Bharat Homeopathy treat the reduced Glomerular filtration rate

Glomerular Filtration Rate Stages:

The normal GFR range is 60 or above. There are the following stages of the decreased Glomerular filtration rate:

  • stage 1: minimal loss of kidney function (GFR of 90 or more)
  • stage 2: mild loss of kidney function (GFR of 60 to 89)
  • stage 3: moderate loss of kidney function rate (GFR of 30 to 59)
  • stage 4: extreme loss of kidney function (GFR of 15 to 29)
  • stage 5: kidney failure (GFR of 15 or lesser)

Causes of decreased Glomerular filtration rate:

  • Pre-existing kidney problems or kidney diseases: It has been found that the instances of decreased glomerular filtration rate were higher in the patients that previously had suffered from other kidney diseases such as Glomerulonephritis, Renal, or Kidney Stone.
  • Cardiovascular disease risk factors: The diseases such as cardiac arrhythmia, hypercholesterolemia, tachycardia, and bradycardia causes the decreased glomerular filtration rate. 
  • Recipient of an organ transplant: The immune system responds with antibodies to the antigens located on the surface of a newly transplanted organ. This immune reaction can cause a blood transfusion reaction that can decrease the glomerular filtration rate. 
  • Fatal vascular events: This includes blood loss, cardiac arrest, milder heart attacks, cardiac myopathy, and other disorders of the blood circulation system. It has been reported by the doctors that above mentioned medical conditions can cause a decreased glomerular filtration rate.
  • Fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease: Coronary heart disease in which the blood vessels carrying blood from and a way to the heart get damaged due to an infection or injury. 
  • Heart failure: Those patients who have survived the heart failures attacks and recovered from that have their stress hormones level raised, which can consequentially cause the decreased glomerular filtration rate. 
  • Renal dysfunction: It is also known as the kidney failure stage. This stage causes a decreased glomerular filtration rate. This can be treated by the uptake of homeopathic medicines. 
  • Age factor: Increased aging has been directly linked with the weakening of the body organs. The kidney functioning becomes reduced, and as a result, the glo

Homeopathic Approach in the Treatment of reduced GFR :

he patients who have decreased GFR rate are willing to adopt the Homeopathic Treatment. Medical studies indicate that the reduced GFR homeopathic treatment is much more effective and result-oriented than the reduced GFR allopathic treatment. Homeopathic physicians provide the best GFR treatment. Reduced GFR in older patients and different numbers of kidney diseases are completely cured with the help of GFR Homeopathic Treatment. 

Symptoms of decreased Glomerular filtration rate:

There are the following symptoms of the decreased glomerular filtration rate:

  • Blood in the urine: It is called hematuria, in which the urine becomes red, pink, or cola-colored due to the presence of red blood cells. It takes little blood to produce red urine, and the bleeding occasionally might be painful. In addition, passing blood clots in the patient’s urine might also be painful.
  • Strong-smelling urine: Everyone’s urine has Ammonia in it. The more hydrated a person is, the less concentrated the Ammonia in urine is. However, when the patient is dehydrated, the ammonia concentration is stronger — and therefore, the smell of urine is. The uptake can treat this of homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines can treat the kidneys excellently.
  • Passing frequent, small amounts of urine: The patient suffering from the UTI suffers from the frequent urge of urination, and a small amount of urine is apparent in the urination. 
  • A burning sensation when urinating: the presence of Ammonia in the concentrated urine of the patient may irritate the inner soft and delicate lining of the ureter and urethra.
  • Increased blood pressure: The patients often complain about high blood pressure. It is one of the most common features of reduced GFR rate. Homeopathic medicines can decrease increased blood pressure.
  • Swelling in lower limbs due to fluid retention: patients with reduced GFR rate often complain about the swelling in their hands or legs due to the accumulation of fluids.
  • A burning sensation when urinating: the presence of Ammonia in the concentrated urine of the patient may irritate the inner soft and delicate lining of the ureter and urethra.
  • Foamy urine: It is a condition in which the patient’s urine becomes frothy. It is an indication that the protein has been released in the urine, and the children are suffering from a reduced GFR rate. 

 Allopathy v/s Homeopathy

  • Various biological studies indicate that, Allopathy is lacking in providing a suitable GFR treatment
  • Allopathic drugs are made synthetically, and thus, they cause severe toxicity to patients with reduced GFR and other problems. GFR homeopathic treatment is good in terms of assured results.
  • Allopathic medicines are difficult to excrete out from the body, and they are not that effective. In addition, they do not treat the original cause of reduced GFR.
  • Homeopathic medicine relies on natural and original drug and their doses. So, first, the patients are thoroughly looked at their medical records. And then, the doctor prescribes the best kidney treatment.
  • Homeopathy treats the patient gently. For example, in reduced GFR treatment, the patient is relieved from the discomfort causing symptoms, and the proper diet chart is given to the patients.

How is Bharat Homeopathy treating reduced GFR?

Bharat Homeopathy provides a better and more efficient Acute Kidney injury homeopathic treatment in terms of quality and satisfaction. Bharat Homeopathy’s Acute Kidney injury homeopathic treatment has shown remarkable achievements and results in our patients.

We strictly avoid uptaking toxicity-causing synthetic allopathic medicines that are highly unaffordable to patients. Bharat Homeopathy has an insight that most kidney injuries can be treated and completely treated and healed with the help of Homeopathic medicines.

Bharat Homeopathy is constantly serving humanity by treating many needy people with Acute kidney injury. The patients have successfully treated and cured themselves with the help of homeopathic treatment. 


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