Is Vitiligo Hereditary?

homeopathic medicine for vitiligo

Understand vitiligo 

Vitiligo is a condition that causes gradual loss of skin colour (pigmentation). Hair on areas of skin affected by vitiligo also loses its colour and they may appear white in colour. This can happen at any age (from childhood to old age). It will be more visible in people with darker skin, regardless of their ethnic origin. People with fair skin may not even realise that their skin is not producing pigment. Additionally, the size and number of patches vary from person to person. Initially, it starts with small spots and then spreads throughout the body. The condition progresses over time, with large areas of the skin losing pigment. However, in some affected individuals, the patches may remain stable or even improve.

Some people believe that it is a type of communicable disease that can be spread by sitting together, touching, speaking, etc. Let’s discuss whether this skin condition is communicable.

Can vitiligo be considered contagious?

Vitiligo is not contagious but rather a non-communicable condition that causes white discolouration on skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for pigment production, die or stop working. The exact cause of this condition is not fully understood, but it involves a combination of genetic, autoimmune, and environmental factors. Being an auto-immune disorder, it does not spread by coming in contact with a person suffering from vitiligo and can’t spread from one person to another by eating together or sharing food with someone. Therefore, this disease cannot be passed from one person to another.

Is Vitiligo Hereditary?

Genetics play a role in the development of this skin disorder. The risk of developing vitiligo increases if a close family member, such as a parent or sibling, has the condition then there are very high chances that you will see symptoms of vitiligo. Symptoms like changes in eye colour or hair colour, if not treated on time, become larger in size and the white patches on the skin appear to spread all over your body. Such a situation forces vitiligo patients to think whether this disease will be completely cured or not. However, people suffering from vitiligo start feeling stressed by thinking so much about their condition, due to which their condition worsens. And it becomes more serious. Many people with vitiligo do not have a family history of the condition, indicating that other factors, such as autoimmune disorders and environmental triggers, also contribute to its onset.

Factors affecting vitiligo 

It is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells and tissues. In the case of the condition, the immune system targets and destroys melanocytes, the skin cells that create the pigment known as melanin, which gives the skin its colour. When these melanocytes are destroyed, patches on the skin are characteristic of vitiligo.

It involves a combination of genetic predisposition or environmental triggers. Factors such as stress, sunburn, exposure to certain chemicals, or viral infections can trigger or aggravate autoimmune reactions in susceptible individuals. Additionally, abnormalities in the immune system, such as changes in certain immune cells or molecules, may contribute to the development of white patches. Some people consider it a normal infection and start treating it with home remedies (Home Remedies for Vitiligo). This makes it worse instead of getting better. In this case, you are advised to seek proper treatment as soon as the early stages of vitiligo appear.   

Myths about vitiligo:

  • Vitiligo only affects visible skin, such as the hands and face.

Hands, feet, arms, face and lips are body parts exposed to the sun where white or pale spots caused by vitiligo appear more often. But these patches can also develop in the armpits, groin, eyes, navel, genital and rectal area. Similar patches may also develop on the mucous membranes that line the inside of the mouth and nose and the retina, which is the inner layer of the eyeball. Some individuals may have small spots initially, but as the disease progresses, they may become larger.

  1.  Vitiligo is not a physically harmful condition.

It is True that vitiligo does not usually cause physical harm. It does not hurt or cause discomfort; in most cases, it has no negative effects on physical health. But as we have discussed above, people who have white spots may be somewhat sensitive to sunlight in the areas where their skin is affected. Additionally, even though white patches are not physically harmful, A person with this condition may feel embarrassed to socialise and may also experience considerable psychological and emotional traumas due to changes in their skin colour. 

  1. vitiligo heals on its own 

As we discussed earlier, vitiligo is an autoimmune condition. Although some people may experience stability in their disease condition, it can’t heal on its own completely. For this, you are advised to get better treatment as soon as its initial symptoms are detected. Otherwise, your vitiligo may get worse.

Control your condition with homeopathy

Homeopathy is an effective treatment option for white patches. Homeopathic medicine for vitiligo are made from natural materials, making them safe and not harmful. Vitiligo homeopathic treatment focuses on the condition’s underlying causes, including autoimmune and genetic factors. The treatment also helps regulate the immune system, which plays an important role in preventing the development of the disease. You get relief from the symptoms, only through getting proper treatment and completing the treatment procedure 

Bharat homeopathy treatment for vitiligo

Skin specialists at Bharat Homeopathy work towards identifying the symptoms related to the disease and understanding your complete medical history, and then you are provided with customised medicine. Since these medicines are made of natural ingredients, they are not harmful in any way. 

 There are many patients who have undergone allopathic treatment for vitiligo and ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo. Due to the restricted vitiligo diet and the bitter taste of the medicines, they are unable to complete the treatment, which makes their condition worse. Whereas, it is very easy to take Homeopathic medicine for vitiligo and is effective even if you have white spots for a long time. So, you can opt for homeopathic treatment for vitiligo to get rid of your skin problem.