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Homeopathic Treatment for Acne

At Bharat Homeopathy, we promote the inclusion of naturally driven herbal remedies and other curated therapies to treat various risk factors leading to acne effectively. Homeopathy acne treatment comprises making positive alterations in the daily diet and other lifestyle habits to cure the root cause of illness. The treatment process followed has changed the lives of several patients and awaits a chance to change yours!

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Can homeopathy fix acne problems?

Yes, homeopathy can effectively counter all possible causes of acne and fix this condition from the root. The mechanism of purification and detoxification of harmful toxins is primarily used through various herbal medications and naturally driven treatment therapies. This feature makes homeopathy a viable option to counter any possible cause of acne in the future as the body is wholly detoxed from within.

Homeopathy is the only medical field that focuses on the emotional and psychological side of the disease as it understands the importance of stress management in curing any condition. Thus, factors like grief, anger, agony, anxiety, fear, and depression are countered, and appropriate medications of antioxidant and antidepressant properties are provided.

What triggers the formation of acne?

Acne occurs when oil or sebum is secreted from the sebum glands present in our hair follicles. Factors like the menstrual cycle, stress, and anxiety can be one of the main risk factors behind pimple formation. Following are some common triggering causes that can progress the symptoms of this condition and worsen the situation if not fixed:

  1. Hormonal imbalance
  2. Chemical cosmetics
  3. Imbalanced lifestyle
  4. Overdosing medications
  5. Excessive sweating
  6. Lack of water intake
  7. Improper dietary schedule

Fact check about acne

  • Acne is a skin disease involving the oil glands at the base of hair follicles.
  • It is a common skin disorder as it occurs in every 3 out of 4 people.
  • It usually begins in the teenage years (between 12 and 18 years) and lasts for 5-10 years; however, it may continue in adulthood (beyond 30 years). Male and females are equally affected.
  • Acne commonly affects the face, anterior chest, and upper part of the back.
  • A high glycaemic load diet and milk products may be the cause of exciting factors leading to acne.
  • Risk factors include genetics, the menstrual cycle, anxiety and stress, hot and humid climates, oil-based makeup, and squeezing pimples.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, homeopathy has proven efficiency in treating acne from its roots, and it promotes healthy skin.

Homeopathy treats the causes of hormonal fluctuations and assists in minimizing acute symptoms, including inflammation, pain, and swelling.

It depends on certain factors, such as how severe your acne is, how long you’ve had acne, or your medication history.

Clear skin is possible for everyone, and chronic acne can be fully cured with homeopathic treatment, but it requires a lot of effort and patience. You will need to change your lifestyle and diet plan for it.

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