Does varicocele affect sperm count?

varicocele affect sperm count

Male infertility and varicocele

Individuals with Varicocele are often confused about whether the condition will also affect their sperm count or not. According to the scientific community, varicocele is among the most common causes of male infertility. Well, the damage to the sperm due to the conditions depends upon the severity of it. However, the condition is completely reversible. While allopathic medicines offer surgical processes as a cure, Homeopathy provides a non-invasive and side-effect-free treatment plan. 

Varicocele is a widespread health issue related to men’s reproductive health and is often connected to infertility issues in men. In this medical condition, an abnormal enlargement of veins present in the scrotum occurs. This causes blood to flow backwards into the testicular veins, and an extra amount of blood gets accumulated in the region, causing swelling. 

According to estimates, the condition affects around 10-15 % of males worldwide. The objective of this blog is to provide a brief overview of varicocele causes and symptoms, its effects on male infertility, and have a look at various treatment options available for the disease.   

Causes of Varicocele

Veins are present throughout the human body and collect oxygenless blood from various tissues. They then transfer this blood to the heart for re-oxygenation. Valves inside these veins control their functioning. 

Varicocele is caused by the malfunctioning of these valves in veins present at the scrotum region of the male reproductive part. If these valves are not able to mediate these veins, it will lead to blood pooling and flowing backwards, causing swelling and enlargement of the testicles. There aren’t any major risk factors or other reasons which may act as varicocele causes. Varicoceles usually show up during puberty and are more likely to happen to guys between 15 and 25 years old.

Symptoms of Varicocele

In the initial stages, varicocele is typically asymptomatic. However, it may show a few signs and symptoms in the later stages. These symptoms of varicocele include; 

  • Lumps in one testicle
  • Pain in the scrotum region that gets worse when lifting weights
  • Swelling of the testicles is quite noticeable
  • Lower testosterone production, erectile dysfunction, and reduced fertility
  • Additionally, men may suffer from testicular atrophy or shrinkage.

How Does Varicocele Affect Fertility?

A varicocele effects sperm count and their production in men. Although scientists have not fully grasped the mechanisms by which varicoceles influence fertility, several theories have been proposed:

  • Reduced Blood Supply: Varicoceles can diminish the blood flow to the affected testicle, potentially leading to a decrease in sperm quality.
  • Increased Temperature: The buildup of blood in the scrotum region can increase the inner temperature of the testicles, which may disrupt the production of sperm. The testicles need to maintain 3° less temperature than the normal body for their production.
  • Other Factors: Additional theories suggest that varicoceles may exert a mass effect on the testicle, expose the testicle to chemicals from the adrenal gland, and cause overheating, hormonal imbalances, and exposure to toxic substances.

Effects of Varicocele on sperm formation based on its Severity: 

A varicocele is classified by a grading system. The grades assigned are proportional to the severity of the condition, with grade 0 varicocele being the most initial stage and grade 3 being the most severe. Let us examine the decrease in sperm count due to varicocele according to its grades. 

  • Grade 0 Varicocele :This is the beginning of the condition. Grade 1 varicocele cannot be detected through a physical exam. We come to know about the situation via an ultrasound. At this stage, the formation of sperm are not impacted.
  • Grade 1 Varicocele: Men diagnosed with grade 1 varicocele experience a 19% reduction in sperm count per millilitre compared to those without a palpable varicocele. This decrease in the formation of sperm results in a higher percentage of these men facing challenges related to fertility.
  • Grade 2 Varicocele: Men with grade 2 varicocele typically have a 32% lower sperm count than those with a milder grade 0 varicocele. This leads to a higher chance of having low sperm count and worse sperm quality. Additionally, these men have smaller testicles than those with a milder grade 1 varicocele.
  • Grade 3 Varicocele: Men diagnosed with a grade 3 varicocele typically have a sperm count that is 64% lower than those with a grade 0 varicocele. As a result, the majority of these men also face low sperm count and abnormal sperm quality. They also face issues like lower testicular volume and hormonal imbalances, including low testosterone and high FSH levels. It’s important to detect Varicocele early to prevent it from becoming severe and to find a timely cure. Varicocele can cause various reproductive health issues in men, such as decreased testosterone levels, recurrent testicular pain, sperm deformities, high FSH levels, and reduced sperm motility. Seeking medical help at the right time becomes very important. There are many varicocele treatment options available that may provide complete relief.

Exploring the Treatment options for Varicocele

Different approaches in various medical systems such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and Homeopathy are implemented for Varicocele treatment. The following section compares these treatment options.

  • Allopathy: Allopathy, also known as the science of conventional medicine, offers a surgical treatment procedure for varicocele. For the pain associated with the condition, there are many medicines available which offer instant relief.  However, risks associated with the surgery have become the primary reason people do not opt for this procedure. Additionally, there are chances of re-development of varicocele post-surgery, or it may lead to another condition known as hydrocele.
  • Naturopathy: Naturopathy is a healthcare system which works on the principle that the body has the ability to heal itself, and it just requires the support of some natural remedies and lifestyle changes. While treating varicocele, naturopathy uses hydrotherapy, a process of improving the body’s blood circulation through water. However, more studies are needed to prove its effectiveness. Natural remedies can help with symptoms but aren’t a complete cure.
  • Ayurveda: The basic approach of Ayurveda lies in balancing the various doshas present in the body.  For treating varicocele, the medical system takes the help of certain Herbal remedies, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes. These herbs support in improving blood circulation across the veins. However, some people may develop certain kinds of allergies from such remedies. Ayurvedic preparations may contain some amount of metals, which can lead to health issues like heavy metal poisoning.
  • Homeopathy: The homeopathic treatment for varicocele addresses patients’ physical and mental conditions and, thus, it is more effective for the management of chronic diseases like varicocele. In contrast to surgery, homeopathy offers Varicocele treatment without surgery option with minimal side effects to patients who are not willing to undergo a surgery. It is more personalised and can, therefore, lead to the development of a treatment plan that is more suitable to the patient’s condition.  But, at the same time, it is important to understand that, like with any method of treatment, its efficiency may differ in different cases. It is always advisable to consult a professional homeopath.

Bharat Homeopathy: An Integrated Management of Varicocele

Bharat Homeopathy uses a systematic approach in treating varicocele without surgery, which involves diagnosing the root cause of the condition and then coming up with unique treatment plans that will completely suit the patient. It has been proved that this approach offers the Best varicocele treatment and has long-lasting effects as compared to the conventional methods.  Bharat Homeopathy focuses on improving the overall life quality of the patient with treatment, not just varicocele. Get in touch with our doctors today for effective treatment strategies.