Can Homeopathy Reduce Creatinine Levels?

Creatinine is an unneeded waste product that results from the digestion process of proteins in your diet and the normal breakdown of muscles. It is taken out of your bloodstream by the kidneys. Every person has some level of creatinine in the blood. However, excess levels can be an indication of an issue with your kidneys.

Creatinine Blood Test

The blood test for creatinine is the blood test that is used to determine if the kidneys are in the process of Filtering blood in your body. 

The test is generally requested in conjunction with other tests in the form of a set called the “basic metabolic panel” (BMP) or “comprehensive metabolic panel” (CMP). This is one of the most often ordered laboratory tests and is typically part of an annual health exam.

 How is creatine converted to creatinine?

This is an end-product of muscular metabolism in which the creatine in the muscles is converted into creatinine non-enzymatically. Since the body’s total content of creatine is relatively constant, it is evident that there is an ongoing production of it and constant excretion in the urinary tract. So this is how creatinine is formed in the body.


High Creatinine Levels Symptoms Kidney Disease Treatment

If the increase in your creatine levels is due to an issue with your kidneys or kidney issues, you may suffer from related symptoms. The kidneys are often the cause of urinary tract and fluid retention problems. If your kidneys don’t function properly enough to clear the toxins and waste out of the body, then you may be experiencing a variety of signs and symptoms. These include:

  • Nausea
  • Chest Pain
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • The changes in the frequency of urination and appearance
  • High blood pressure
  • Fluid retention or swelling
  • Itchiness

Causes For High Creatinine Levels

High creatinine levels usually mean that kidneys are not performing as they should. The possible causes could be:

  •         A kidney infection
  •         Glomerulonephritis is a condition that is an inflammation of kidney structures, which filter the blood
  •         kidney stones that block the urinary tract
  •         kidney disease

In addition to kidney function, other causes can temporarily elevate creatinine levels above the normal range. These include dehydration and consuming large amounts of protein via food or nutrients.

Does Exercise Increase Creatinine?

Exercising at high intensity can be able to boost the levels of some blood biomarkers like creatinine.

Anyone who is undergoing a creatinine test should inform the physician whether they are or are taking medication and fasting or sticking to a high-protein diet.

Certain medications can trigger a short-term rise in the levels of serum creatinine or cause damage to the kidneys.

A variety of health problems can cause damage to the organs that are affected, resulting in an increase in levels. The most common causes are:-

  •      Diabetes
  •      High blood pressure
  •      Heart disease   

Creatinine Levels Normal Range

An ideal level is 0.7 up to 1.3 mg/dL (61.9 to 114.9 Umol/L) for males, as well 0.6 up to 1.1 mg/dL (53 to 97.2 Umol/L) for females.

Women typically have a less high level than males. This is due to the fact that women possess less muscle mass compared to males. The level varies according to the size of a person and their muscle mass.

Is Creatinine Level 1.7 Dangerous

One method of assessing kidney function is to compare a creatinine concentration that is 1.7 mg/dL for the majority of males and 1.4 mg/dL for women who are close to 50% of normal kidney function.

Levels in the blood vary, and every lab has its own standard interval, typically 0.6 or 1.2 mg/dL. If your level is barely above that range, you will not be feeling sick. However, a High Creatinine is an indication that the kidneys are not operating at the fullest capacity.

Is 2.7 or 2.9 creatinine level dangerous?

A high level is generally anything that is greater than 1.3 (depending on race, age, gender and body mass).

Certain ailments may make a person experience higher levels than usual.

Individuals with just one kidney may be able to have an average value of approximately 1.8 and 1.9.

Levels in the range of 2.0 or higher in babies and 5.0 or higher in adults may be a sign of severe damage to the kidneys.

Individuals who are dehydrated may be suffering from elevated levels.

Ideal Range of Creatinine Test

It may vary from lab to lab. The normal range is 0.7 up to 1.3 mg/dL (61.9 to 114.9 Umol/L) for males and 0.6 up to 1.1 mg/dL (53 to 97.2 Umol/L) for females. Women typically are more prone to having lower levels of creatinine than males.

Normal Creatinine Levels By Age

The process of removing creatinine from the bloodstream by kidneys that are eventually excreted through urine is known as creatinine clearance.

The measurement of creatinine in the blood and urine samples for 24 hours samples is usually used to determine the level of clearance for creatinine. It is, therefore, essential to take these blood samples at the right time.

Creatinine clearance is determined by millilitres of creatinine in a minute for each total body area (mL/min/BSA).

Normal levels for 60 years, 75 years or 80 years old. The typical range of men’s creatinine clearance between 19 and 75 is between 77 and 160 mL/min/BSA.

The clearance of creatinine in women differs from one age group to the next. the following:

18 – 30 years old: 78 – 161 mL/min/BSA

31 – 40 years old: 72 – 154 mL/min/BSA

41 – 50 years old: 67 – 146 mL/min/BSA

51 – 60 years old: 62 – 139 mL/min/BSA

61 – 70 years old female: 56 – 131 mL/min/BSA

The low-level clearance is a sign of low kidney function as well as problems with the kidneys.

When to Worry About Creatinine Levels Low

The low levels indicate that there is something that is altering the production of creatine in the human body. It will typically be the result of the person’s muscle mass or weight.

Low levels may be a sign that suggests that a patient suffers from chronic kidney illness, impaired kidney function or malnutrition.

What Level Of Creatinine Indicates Kidney Failure?

The norm is a level of creatinine greater than 1.2 for females, and greater than 1.4 for males may be an indication that your kidneys are not functioning as they should. If your creatinine serum test results are greater than the norm and your physician may need to conduct additional tests.

 Serum Creatinine and serum Creatinine test

The results of a test for serum creatinine are determined in milligrams of creatinine per deciliter (mg/dL). Levels can vary widely based on your sex as well as your age and the amount of muscles. In general, a normal level is:

0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL in males

0.6 — 1.1 mg/dL in females

An elevated than normal result for serum creatinine may suggest the kidneys are functioning poorly. Your physician will examine the results of your serum creatinine test to other test results, including the results of your Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), to determine the next steps. If the serum creatinine level is greater than what is normal, then your physician may perform different tests. 

The results of your serum creatinine test will aid your physician in determining the level of your GFR(estimated glomerular filtration rate). This indicates how efficiently the kidneys are able to filter waste from the blood.

 Can Homeopathy Reduce Creatinine Levels

Homeopathic Science disapproves of dialysis or transplantation as costly and painful treatments. The natural processed drugs are the foundation of treatment using homeopathy and have no adverse negative effects. It requires a balanced routine and an appropriate diet that will heal patients as fast as it is feasible.

We recommend that patients should be wary of allopathic remedies in blind faith, and the Homeopathic science is often undervalued.  

Why Choose Bharat Homeopathy?

100% Secure- The medicines we prescribe are secure and come with no adverse negative effects. Our drugs work to address the root causes of disease.

Visible results- The effects of our therapy are apparent within a span of about a month. Our highly-respected specialists work to determine the root of the condition and treat the problem totally.

Personalised Diet Plan- Bharat homoeopathy, our goal is to aid patients in modifying their diet routine to make positive changes. We are convinced to offer a long-lasting and efficient diet program to treat the root of the disease.

Follow-up calls every week In order to keep updated on the patient’s development, our doctors call patients every week. They will analyse the report of progress and offer useful suggestions on how to improve the process.


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