Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

What is Chronic Kidney Disease CKD?

The Human kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from human blood that are ultimately excreted in the urine. The typical human Kidney has approximately 1 million functional units engaged in the mechanism of filtration of impure blood. These units are known as Nephrons. The disorder in the nephrons is known as Renal disorder or Renal dysfunction, which is also known as “Kidney disorder” in layman language. When the kidney disease acquires a severe and challenging treatment, it is known as “Chronic Kidney Disease.” The disorders related to the Kidney are a powerful cause of concern. Gone are the days when the CKD was confined to geriatric (older age) patients. Nowadays, almost every age group has been reporting incidents of Acute to Chronic level of kidney disease. Chronic Kidney disease, sometimes also known as chronic kidney failure, involves a loss of kidney function at a gradual pace. Chronic kidney disease is reported to cause dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes, and waste accumulation to build up in the Human body.

Pan-India Prevalence and Vulnerability

India is reported to detect almost 10 lakh cases of patients suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease. Amongst all the age groups showing the CKD incidents, the most vulnerable one is 40 years to 60 years.

Owing to Malnutrition, newly born infants (0 to 6 months of Age) are reported to show incidents of CKD.

Causes of Chronic Kidney disease:

  • Smoking: The blood pressure is increased by excessive smoking. The increased blood pressure led to the increased duty on nephrons. This tremendous pressure on the Kidney might ultimately lead to Chronic Kidney Disease.
  • Improper Diet: An imbalanced diet may cause disorders in the function of the Kidney.
  • Bad lifestyle: Lack of physical exercise and a sedentary lifestyle may also contribute to compromised kidney function. 
  • Pre-existing underlying Renal/Kidney diseases: The presence of other underlying renal kidneys such as Glomerulonephritis and cancer of the Kidney.
  • Inadequacy/deficiency of nutrients in women in their pre-delivery phase: when the young mothers of the lower class of the society did not receive inadequate nutrition. Then, they might deliver babies with improper kidney function.
  • Malnourishment of lactating mothers: The deficiency of important nutrients in the meal of lactating mothers causes the impairment of the kidney function in the developing baby.
  • Genetic defects in Off-springs born out of consanguine wedlock: The newly born infants that are born out of the wedlock of two closely related parents such as daughter or son of a maternal uncle, paternal Aunt; and closely related cousin. 

Early signs and symptoms of chronic kidney disease (CKD):

  • Edema: Swelling of feet and ankles due to the excessive fluid accumulation in the tissues of the patient’s body. Edema can occur in any part of the body of the patients.
  • Vomiting: It is the act of regurgitation that finally leads to the expulsion of the partially digested ingested food contents directly from the Stomach. 
  • Nausea: It is a feeling of reversal of partially digested food particles of the Stomach. And a feeling of spasm of Food pipe. 
  • Increased blood pressure (hypertension): It is one of the common symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease in which the blood pressure is exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries and veins. 
  • Loss of appetite: Due to the less secretion of Acid in the Stomach and imbalanced system of digestive enzymes. 
  • Decreased mental sharpness: The intellectual impairment of the patient suffering from CKD is very common. This is because of the penetration of urea-enriched blood across the Blood-Brain Barrier.
  •  Dry, itchy skin: due to the abnormally exaggerated Immune system as a response to circulating urea and other impurities in the blood. Autacoids such as Histamine and serotonin are released at the skin and cause inflammation of skin manifested by itching, dry lesions on the skin, and red patches on the skin.  
  •  Fatigue and weakness: The manifestation of chronic kidney disease. The rate of breathing becomes increases. 
  • Sleep problems: The sleep pattern becomes disturbed. The quality and quantity of sleep, get disturbed. The no. of sleeping hours has become drastically reduced. 
  • Urinating more or less: The Imbalance of Sodium and Potassium ion import and export causes the increased or decreased rate of flow of urine. 
  • Shortness of breath, If the fluid starts accumulating in the lungs, then it may cause shortness of breath. The shortness of 
  • Muscle cramp: In the patients with CKD. The Quantity of blood reaching the muscles becomes decreased. As a result of which the amount of oxygen reaching the muscular system become decreased too. 

Tests recommended to patients suffering from CKD:

  • Proteinuria: It detects the abnormal traces of protein and blood in the urine. There are several different probable reasons for protein being released in the urine. Not all of those reasons are directly or indirectly related to CKD disease. Other bacterial or viral Infections might also increase the concentration of protein in the urine. This condition is known as Proteinuria. Proteinemia might also occur as a consequence of heavyweight training and physical workout. The physician might also ask the patient to repeat this test after a few weeks to observe if the results are similar.
  • Blood pressure test: The Blood pressure becomes significantly increased in the patients suffering from CKD. This test is done to check whether the blood pressure is within normal range or it is increased. Increased blood pressure is not always indicative of CKD. 
  • EGFR Test: It is known as the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR) test. It measures the volume of blood the nephrons clean every minute based on the body size of the patient. 

Allopathy v/s Homeopathy

As far as the Healing process in the allopathic system of medicine is concerned, these drugs are involved in the temporary reduction of the symptoms of CKD. On the other hand, The Homeopathic system of medicine relies on a specifically personalized herbal medication regime.

The prolonged use of thiazide diuretics can cause different side effects such as agitation, dizziness, the sensation of spinning; feeling of numbness or tingling in the muscles of limbs; water loss that might lead to diarrhea, cramps in the Stomach; blurred vision; spasm of skeletal muscles; or impotency in males, and problems related to Reproductive system. Spironolactone is a medicine that causes hypokalemia condition in which the concentration of the Calcium ion in the body fluids becomes reduced. 

Homeopathic Approach in the Treatment of Kidney Diseases:

  • Terebinthum’s rubrics are used when the blood is detected in the urine, and irritation in the Kidney and urinary tract aggravation. This remedy has been used profoundly to treat the inflammation of the urinary tract or kidneys, accompanied by uncontrollable hemorrhaging, retention of water, and Edema in the limbs. These ailments are often recognized by smoky-colored urine with a foul odor of violets. It has no side effects when consumed under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor.
  • Juniperus communis is used in the treatment of Catarrhal inflammation of the kidneys. It is used to stimulate the release of fluid accumulated due to Edema. It is also useful in the release of suppressed urine. It has almost nil side effects.
  • Belladonna(not to be taken orally) is a homeopathic herb that is used to treat the kidneys that are accumulated with stones of phosphates in the Kidney or urethra. The Extract of Belladona (not to be taken orally) is used to treat kidney disorders. 

How is Bharat Homeopathy a hope for patients with CKD?

Bharat Homeopathy is one of the leading homeopathic organizations available in the healthcare sector for its specialization in treating all types of Kidney disorders. Bharat Homeopathy’s treatment of the Kidney has shown remarkable achievements and results in our patients that consulted us over a few years.

Bharat Homeopathy does not believe in consuming toxicity-causing allopathic medicines that also lay a toll on patients’ pockets. Bharat Homeopathy has a vision that the majority of kidney disorders can be treated with the help of Homeopathy.

Bharat Homeopathy is highly attentive in preparing the homeopathic doses of the patients with their respective disorders. Bharat Homeopathy has continuously engaged itself in making the homeopathic mode of medication highly acceptable and good.

Bharat homeopathy ensures the care and affection-based treatment, not only in terms of prescription of medication but also the proper observation and follow-up of the patients. 

“Bharat Homeopathy believes in a dimension where everyone is devoid of anxiety, worry, and pain associated with health complications.


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