Homeopathy: The Best Treatment for Kidney Stones

homeopathy treatment for kidney stone

Understanding Kidney Stones

Kidney stone is a common problem all over the world, and its prevalence in India stands at approximately 12%. Once formed, the stone may remain in the kidney or pass into the ureter through the urinary tract. An individual may experience sharp pain while attempting to pass out the stone from the body through urination.  

Every year, almost half a million individuals enter emergency rooms due to kidney stone-associated problems. Urine has various wastes dissolved in it, and too much waste in too little liquid results in the formation of crystals. The crystals attract additional elements and combine to form a solid that will continue to expand in size unless it is excreted through the urine. This solid, pebble-like material is called a kidney stone that can develop in one or both of your kidneys.   

Kidney Stone Symptoms

The commonly visible kidney stone symptoms include

  • Blood in the Urine
  • Pain while urinating 
  • Persistent stomachache
  • Severe discomfort in the back or lower abdomen 

Kidney Stone Causes

Now, let’s understand what causes kidney stones.

Low Urine Volume

Consistently decreasing urine volume is a key risk factor for the disease. Low urine volume can be caused by dehydration (loss of bodily fluids) from intense workouts, working or living in a hot environment, or not drinking enough fluids. When urine volume is low, it becomes concentrated and dark in colour. Concentrated urine has less fluid content than what is required to keep salts dissolved.


Certain bowel disorders that cause diarrhoea might increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones. Diarrhoea can lead to significant loss of fluid from the body, reducing urine volume. Your body may also absorb too much oxalate from the intestine, increasing oxalate in your urine. Low urine volume and high urinary oxalate levels can both contribute to the production of calcium oxalate stones.

Urinary pH

The development of different types of stones is highly influenced by urinary pH or the balance of substances that build and dissolve stones. An alkaline pH promotes the crystallisation of calcium and phosphate-containing stones, whereas an acidic pH promotes uric acid or cystine stones. Mostly, the stones develop when the urine is highly acidic. However, stones may also form if the urine becomes less acidic and more alkaline. 

Obesity and a family history of this disease can also be a contributing factor to its development apart from the ones that are mentioned above. 

Tips for Managing Kidney Stones

  • Adequate Fluid Intake
  • Avoid High-Sodium Diet
  • Limit animal-based protein
  • Monitor your oxalate levels

Kidney Stone Treatment

All treatment approaches share a common goal: to cure the condition. People with severely compromised renal functioning seek alternatives to the options of dialysis and transplantation. Early detection of renal illness can lead to an effective kidney stone treatment. Due to advancements in medical research, patients suffering from this problem have several treatment options available to them. 

Healthcare experts often treat the stones based on their size, location, and type. Due to the drawbacks of various treatment procedures, people are looking for a treatment approach that is non-invasive, effective, uses a natural healing process, and has no adverse reactions. An increasing percentage of people with stone-associated issues are exploring alternative medical systems (AMS) for treatment, as natural medicines and treatments account for the majority of officially recognised medical systems in India. 

However, selecting the best one can sometimes be challenging. Homeopathy and Ayurvedic are two natural kinds of treatment that have recently gained popularity. 

Individuals suffering from this disease often face a dilemma between homeopathic vs ayurvedic forms of treatment. Let’s try to arrive at a definitive conclusion by comparing the treatment provided by Homeopathy and Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stones

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones is based upon the idea that the universe is comprised of five elements: air, fire, water, earth, and ether. In humans, these components are represented by three “doshas” or energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When any of the doshas exceed its optimal limit, the body loses the state of balance. 

Ayurveda recommends specific lifestyle and nutritional plans to assist people in minimising their excess dosha. However, like with any other medical system, Ayurvedic medicines contain contraindications and the possibility of negative side effects like allergic reactions, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, etc.  

Despite being a natural treatment for kidney stones with numerous benefits, ayurvedic treatment does have limitations and is not devoid of risk factors.

Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Stones

Homeopathy and its treatment deal with the root cause of the problem. Being an alternative medical approach based on the notion of “like cures like”, homeopathy is unquestionably the most reliable option for kidney stones.

Homeopathy follows the principle of strengthening the vital force, which is the body’s natural ability to resist an illness and maintain overall well-being. It is also responsible for all primary bodily functions. Homeopathic medicine for kidney stones stimulates the body’s natural defence mechanisms with individualised treatments consisting of highly diluted medicines, usually in the form of pills or liquids. 

Homeopathy strikes the right balance of scientific, natural and individualistic approaches in its treatment. Homeopathy provides natural remedies for kidney stones after thoroughly analysing the patient’s case history and all aspects of the illness—mental, emotional, and physical. There are no prerequisites for beginning a homeopathic treatment for kidney stones. One can consult a homeopath if they have identified this problem and have gone through various treatments with no success.

Why is Bharat Homeopathy Best for Kidney Stone Treatment?

Bharat Homeopathy creates tailored treatment plans based on the size and type of the stone, its aetiology, the patient’s health history, etc. The suitability of a medicine for any disease is determined not only by its accurate selection but also by the appropriate dosage too. Therefore, the patient is given the smallest dose of medicine needed to trigger the healing response. Instead of simply suppressing symptoms, our goal is to cure the illness. 

We have earned the confidence of our patients by upholding the highest possible standards of confidentiality in patient data. We strive to deliver the best possible treatment through our experienced team of professional doctors led by Dr. Mahima and Dr. Kanchan and have become another name for reliability in the world of healthcare due to our side-effect-free results.