Understand varicocele, its symptoms and treatment without surgery

Varicocele natural treatment

Understand what is varicocele?

An abnormal expansion and dilation of the scrotal venous pampiniform plexus, which drains blood from each testicle, is known as a varicocele. Varicoceles are often painless, but they are clinically relevant since they are the most commonly identified cause of reduced sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology, low sperm count, and abnormal semen analysis. Additionally, they may impact testicular development. 

It affects 15% to 20% of all adult males’ population and is the major cause of infertility in up to 40% per cent of men evaluated. Additionally, this condition is significantly more prevalent (80% to 90%) in the left testicle. Thirty to forty per cent of cases with left varicocele are likely to be bilateral.


Since the condition often causes no symptoms or adverse health repercussions, many men will be unaware that they have the condition. Most men become aware of this condition when their doctors do regular examinations or try to determine the reason for their infertility. It may develop symptoms in extreme circumstances, in which case medical care is necessary.

The following are the various varicocele symptoms that require immediate medical intervention. 

  • Scrotal pain, soreness, discomfort, and maybe swelling
  • Discomfort that worsens with prolonged standing or sitting
  • Highly significant/visible veins on the scrotal left side 
  • A tiny lump or tumour above the testicle 

Depending on your situation, you could or might not experience these symptoms. 

Does varicocele affect sperm count?

Male infertility is most commonly caused by a low sperm count. The development of sperm is impacted by the increase in testicular temperature brought on by a varicocele. For every degree the testicles warm up, the number of sperm is thought to drop by 40%. 

Sperm DNA damage can occur from this condition. Men with varicocele experience this sperm DNA damage more commonly than men without this condition. Inflammation of the testicles, as well as enlarged (varicose) veins in the scrotum, can all result in aberrant sperm. Lower testosterone levels are linked to this condition and can impact sex desire and may also cause a range of chronic health issues.

Varicocele results in reduced semen quality, as it prevents healthy, high-quality sperm from developing. An imbalance between “free radicals” & antioxidants results in lower-quality semen. Men with this condition usually have this imbalance of elevated free radicals and lowered antioxidants. Semen quality is usually checked first as part of fertility testing because it is usually influenced by this condition.

What does varicocele pain feel like?

While testicular pain is not usually a sign of this medical condition, some men do experience it. Usually reported as dull, aching or throbbing in the testicle, scrotum, or groyne, varicocele-related testicular pain is seldom severe, stabbing, or acute. Another name for varicocele is a scrotal heaviness that gets worse with physical activity, after standing for an extended period of time. 

Can varicocele go away without surgery?

Without testicular vein surgery, a varicocele’s symptoms can be managed by implementing specific lifestyle adjustments. These involve avoiding activities that put a strain on the groin region, maintaining a healthy weight, and wearing supportive knickers to lessen scrotal drooping and relieve discomfort. Additionally, acupuncture, herbal therapies, and dietary adjustments have been found to benefit certain men. But before starting these therapies, it’s crucial to speak with a healthcare professional to ensure they’re safe and suitable for your condition. However, all of the above-mentioned remedies work alongside a proper medical treatment only.  

Does homeopathy provide the best varicocele treatment?

What is the best varicocele treatment?” is the most commonly asked question. While there isn’t one all-encompassing answer, there are several strategies that have been shown to work in various patients individually. The most common treatment is varicocele embolisation, which involves inserting a catheter into the afflicted veins and a blocking substance to reroute the blood flow. However, the process is quite expensive and comes with a lot of side effects. Varicocele natural treatment is a better option if you’re seeking a more comprehensive strategy. Amidst several therapeutic approaches available that are invasive and extremely expensive, homeopathy comes to the rescue as it does provide a natural side-effect-free, non-invasive treatment option towards treating this condition.

The most effective treatment, in this case, may be homeopathic varicocele treatment, which is itself a natural treatment. Homeopathy offers a wide range of approaches to managing the condition, from medical treatments to natural cures. Herbal therapies have been shown to be useful in reducing vein enlargement when used alongside proper medical treatment. 

Bharat Homeopathy: Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery

Amidst several homeopathic hospitals, the most effective treatment option for this condition is Bharat Homeopathy because of its excellent track record and highly qualified medical staff. We address the underlying varicocele causes rather than just varicocele signs and symptoms while treating our patients holistically.

We at Bharat Homeopathy recognise the value of personalised varicocele natural treatment. The best homeopathic medicine for varicocele pain will be prescribed by our medical specialists after a thorough assessment of your health and the creation of a personalised treatment plan. We hope to provide effective and safe homeopathic treatment for varicocele that support a natural healing process by having a solid understanding of homoeopathic principles. Select Bharat Homeopathy for your care, and you’ll notice benefits immediately!