Understanding Asthma: Symptoms, Causes, and Triggers

asthma natural treatment

Asthma: A common Respiratory Issue

Were you aware that respiratory diseases are a significant issue worldwide, greatly affecting people’s lives? Asthma is one such illness, a major non-communicable disease that impacts individuals of all ages, especially children.  Living with asthma means dealing with a never-ending respiratory condition that makes breathing quite a struggle. Understanding the triggers and specific factors that can exacerbate asthma symptoms is essential for effective management. This article will cover the basics of asthma and provide insights into the natural solution to help manage it in the comfort of your own home.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is an ongoing respiratory disease that affects the airways, making breathing difficult. It is indicated by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, which result in varying levels of symptoms. Some people experience minor difficulties, while others face more frequent and severe respiratory issues.

Identifying triggers and actively avoiding them is key for respiratory patients looking to decrease the number and intensity of asthma episodes. By staying on top of medication, exploring natural home remedy for asthma, and keeping up with healthcare appointments, leading a healthy and active life is possible.


The symptoms may differ in severity depending on the individual. Some common symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath: Breathing can be tough for you, particularly when engaging in physical activities or when it’s nighttime
  • Wheezing: You might notice a squeaky, high-pitched whistling sound while taking a breath
  • Chest tightness: You may feel like there’s something compressing or sitting on your chest
  • Coughing: You may find yourself coughing often, particularly at night or in the morning
  • Difficulty sleeping: Your sleep can be affected by symptoms of asthma, resulting in fatigue and a lower quality of life


The precise cause of asthma remains unknown, but experts believe it’s a result of both genetic and environmental factors. Some key players include:

  • Genetics: It’s pretty common for asthma to be passed down through families. So, if someone in your close family has asthma, there’s a higher chance you might end up with it, too
  • Allergies: Asthma and allergies often go hand in hand for many people. Pollen grains, dust mites, mold, and animal dander are among the common culprits
  • Respiratory infections: Childhood infections have the potential to impact the development of the lungs and raise the chances of developing asthma later in life
  • Environment: Asthma can be activated by being exposed to pollutants, chemicals, or smoke
  • Occupational factors: Jobs that involve exposure to irritants like dust, gases, and fumes can heighten the risk of asthma for workers

Common Triggers:

Asthma triggers are varied and can differ from person to person. Identifying and avoiding these triggers is crucial for effective management. Common triggers include:

  • Allergens: Flare-ups can be set off by pollen, mold, dust mites, and pet dander, so it’s important to be aware of these triggers
  • Irritants: The airways can get irritated by smoke, pollution, strong odours, and chemical fumes, causing discomfort
  • Exercise: Engaging in physical activity, especially in cold conditions, can lead to the onset of symptoms
  • Weather conditions: Changes in weather, humidity levels, and cold air can all have an impact on asthma
  • Stress and emotions: Feeling overwhelmed with emotions and stress can sometimes result in hyperventilation, which can then trigger symptoms
  • Medications: Symptoms can be exacerbated by certain medications, such as beta-blockers and NSAIDs
  • Respiratory infections: The presence of colds, the flu, or other infections may intensify asthma attack

Homeopathic Management:

Nowadays, there are plenty of asthma treatment choices available for different health issues. But have you ever wondered how these medications affect our daily lives? Asthma is a complex respiratory condition that requires a multifaceted approach to manage effectively. With more people exploring alternatives to conventional medicine, Homeopathy has become a promising choice. 

Dating back 200 years, homeopathy is an alternative medicine system that relies on highly diluted substances to activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. It focuses on personalised care and utilises gentle remedies derived from natural sources to offer a comprehensive approach to managing symptoms.

This method of treatment focuses on both the symptoms and root causes of asthma attacks, promoting lasting relief and improved health. Homeopathy, unlike traditional asthma medication, avoids the use of strong chemicals or pills that could cause negative reactions. Instead, homeopathic remedies for asthma are diluted to a safe and non-toxic level, suitable for individuals of any age.

If you’re interested in a safe and natural approach to asthma control, homeopathy is worth considering. It provides a practical and effective option for those seeking an alternative way to heal

Preventive Measures and Lifestyle Changes:

With the right combination of homeopathic remedies, lifestyle adjustments, and asthma prevention techniques, individuals dealing with this lung disease can experience a notable improvement in their physical and internal symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life

  • Avoid triggers: Be mindful of and avoid known triggers for asthma whenever you can. This might mean using air purifiers, closing windows when pollen levels are high, and staying away from smoke and strong odours
  • Healthy diet: Eating a well-rounded diet that contains plenty of fruits, veggies, and omega-3 fatty acids can do wonders for reducing inflammation and improving your overall health
  • Regular exercise: Make sure to do some light exercise to help your breathing muscles and make your lungs stronger. Don’t forget to warm up and cool down to avoid flare-ups during your workout
  • Stress management: Implement stress-relieving practices such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to lessen the likelihood of stress-triggered attacks
  • Hydration: Hydrate yourself by drinking a lot of water to help keep mucus thin and easy to expel
  • Follow a treatment plan: Don’t forget to follow the prescribed homeopathic medicine for asthma and make sure to attend your regular follow-ups with your homeopath

Our Treatment Approach:

Introducing Bharat Homeopathy Hospital, the reliable choice for individuals seeking a safe and promising asthma homeopathic treatment. Our hospital is dedicated to delivering personalised care to those fighting asthma, offering holistic solutions that prioritise the well-being of our patients.  At Bharat Homeopathy, we understand the challenges presented by respiratory issues and the importance of finding relief without compromising safety. Our team of highly skilled homeopathic practitioners incorporates time-tested and research-based procedures tailored to the patient’s unique needs, aiming for long-term recovery and improved quality of life.

Our goal at Bharat Homeopathy is to encourage our patients to take charge of their health and live life to the fullest. Count on us to prioritize your well-being and provide comprehensive care.

Discover homeopathy for asthma by filling out the form displayed on your screen right away and finding an asthma natural treatment that is 100% safe and effective.