What is the fastest way to cure varicocele?

varicocele treatment

Varicocele Treatment & Management

Varicocele is a medical condition associated with the reproductive well-being of men. In this condition, the veins present in the scrotum region of the male’s reproductive parts become enlarged, causing swelling and pain in the testicular veins. The condition may decrease the quality and quantity of sperm formation, resulting into fertility issues. It also decreases the testosterone levels. 

Some varicocele patients may find relief from pain and discomfort with the help of painkillers. However, suppressing the symptoms of any disease using such instant fixes and not opting for the best varicocele treatment for its complete cure is equivalent to waiting till the condition becomes more severe and results in further complications. 

So, instead of searching for the fastest ways to cure medical conditions like varicocele that only temporarily suppresses the symptoms, it’s important to find an extensive treatment plan that effectively addresses ongoing complications and reduces the chances of the recurrence of the condition. In this blog, we will be  discussing various treatment options for effectively curing varicocele.

Exploring Various Methods to Cure Varicocele 

Varicocele can lead to fertility issues. It also decreases the production of testosterone and causes pain and swelling in the scrotum. Sometimes, its complications also include shrinkage of testicles. About 40% to 45% of men with fertility problems have a varicocele. However,  medical science offers three prominent methods for complete relief from Varicocele: Surgery, embolisation, and Homeopathy. Each of these treatment approaches has its own unique benefits and considerations. The surgical method of varicocele cure involves the removal of the enlarged veins in the scrotum, while embolisation uses a minimally invasive procedure to block the abnormal veins. Homeopathy, on the other hand, offers a cure varicocele naturally and complete cure for varicocele without surgery by addressing its symptoms and root causes.

  1. Surgical Method to cure Varicocele 

Varicocele surgery, or varicocelectomy, is a popular method to improve blood flow and reduce pain. In this procedure, the doctor cuts an incision in the lower abdomen and closes the problematic vein, redirecting blood to other veins. It needs general anaesthesia and usually takes about two weeks to recover from. However, there are many short-term and long-term side effects post-testicular vein surgery.  Immediate complications from a varicocelectomy, like bruising, bleeding, unpleasant odours from the incision, and a minor infection, are frequent and will go away within a few days. However, complications that last longer will take a bit more time to heal and might need medical treatment. These complications Include: 

  • Treating varicoceles with surgery can lead to problems, such as the reoccurrence of the condition or the formation of a hydrocele.
  • Surgery carries risks like bleeding and infection, as well as possible side effects such as shrinkage of the testicles and reduced testicular function.
  • A complication called testicular artery ligation, which is the unintentional cutting off of blood supply to the testicle, can happen during surgery. This can cause lower testosterone levels and poorer sperm quality.
  1. Varicocele Treatment using Embolization Method 

Embolisation is a comparatively very less invasive method than surgery. It does not require stitches or anaesthesia. It involves making only a 1/4-inch incision. The recovery time is comparatively small, with the majority of the patients being able to return to their normal activities within two to three days. This method does not need the patient to spend a night in the hospital but may need some regular visits for follow up. However, one must remember that embolisation is beneficial for most patients but it may not be effective for all, and there is a possibility of varicocele to reoccur after some time. This treatment procedure can also cause the following complications; 

  • Embolisation for varicocele might lead to minor issues like bruising, back discomfort, and feeling sick.
  • Additional problems might involve swelling in the scrotum, a metallic flavour in the mouth, and general symptoms like pain in the testicles and back, feeling sick, and slight fevers.
  • Risks could also encompass infection, allergic responses, too much bleeding, a fluid buildup around the testicles, and the loss of one or both testicles.

Homeopathic Procedure for Treatment of Varicocele 

Choosing a “complete cure” and choosing the “right cure” are two different things. While these methods mentioned above may offer a complete cure for Varicocele, there are many risk factors associated with them. Additionally, opting for invasive treatment procedures for issues related to reproductive parts may not be the best decision. But what if we tell you about a method that offers complete relief from varicocele with a non-invasive procedure and no side effects? The homeopathic treatment for varicocele offers a complete cure with the help of its varicocele natural remedies, and it must be the right option for you with a non-invasive process. 

Homoeopathy provides a painless varicocele treatment without surgery, focusing on curing the condition rather than just suppressing its symptoms. It believes in treating the root cause and individual factors that contribute to the disease, aiming for complete recovery by eliminating all symptoms. It not only manages pain but also controls inflammation and reduces the temperature of the scrotum and normal sperm count.

Homoeopathy is very effective in increasing the immunity of the body and the overall healing ability of the body in case of a low immune power.

There are many different treatments for varicocele depending on the symptoms and the cause of the varicocele. An individualised treatment is chosen to treat the person for the vulnerability to the infection.

Why Choose Bharat Homeopathy?

Along with the complete and right treatment plan, opt for the best and most renowned experts to cure Varicocele with us. With varicocele natural treatment and personalised medications, our best homeopathy doctor for varicocele at Bharat Homeopathy also serves their patients with a perfect diet plan that will fasten their recovery and offer counselling sessions for any kind of stress,  insecurity, or doubts related to their medical condition. Bharat homeopathy ensures care and affection-based cure varicocele without surgery, not only in terms of the prescription of medication but also the proper observation and follow-up of the patients. Visit our clinic to know more.