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Are PCOS/PCOD similar?

Despite their apparent similarity, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and PCOD are not the same. PCOD is characterised by the release of immature eggs from the ovaries, which can cause hormonal imbalances and enlargement of the ovaries. On the other hand, PCOS is characterised by excess androgen production from the ovaries due to endocrine problems, which increases the risk of cyst formation in eggs. Unlike PCOD, these cysts will not be released; instead, they will accumulate inside the ovaries.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS)

PCOS is a prevalent hormonal disorder that affects women who are of reproductive age and is a significant public health concern. It is believed to affect 8–13% of women who are of reproductive age, and up to 70% of cases go neglected. PCOS's biological and psychological repercussions, especially those linked to infertility, obesity, and body image, may lead to mental health issues as well as social stigma.

Additionally, women with PCOS are more likely to develop insulin resistance, which raises their risk of type 2 diabetes. They also have more significant amounts of androgens(a type of male hormone also present in females). These hormones can cause irregular periods, acne, thinning of scalp hairs, and excessive facial and body hair growth, in addition to preventing the release of eggs during ovulation.

PCOS Symptoms

  • Infertility
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Excessive facial or body hair
  • Male-pattern baldness or hair thinning
  • Heavy, prolonged periods
  • Irregular or absent menstrual periods
  • Weight gain, particularly around the abdomen

PCOS can also bring on a poor body image, anxiety, and sadness. Several symptoms, such as obesity, infertility, and unwanted hair growth, may sometimes cause social stigma. This may impact other aspects of life, including relationships, employment, and family.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease(PCOD)

PCOD characterises a condition where a woman's ovaries produce a significant number of partially or poorly developed eggs in her reproductive age. Over time, the ovaries form cysts from these eggs. The ovaries enlarge due to the cysts and release a lot of androgen, a male hormone that causes irregular periods, undesirable weight gain, and other health concerns.

Despite being very common, the majority of women are ignorant of PCOD's symptoms, consequences, and potential treatments.

The physical and emotional health of women can be adversely affected by the symptoms of pcod problems in females. It is estimated that over 34% of women with PCOD also experience anxiety and almost 45% encounter depression. Because of this, it's essential to identify and treat PCOD symptoms as soon as possible to avoid additional complications.

Difference between PCOS and PCOD (pcod vs pcos)

Although PCOD (polycystic ovary disorder) and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) are related conditions that affect women's ovaries, they differ in a few significant ways.

1 PCOD, a medical condition, is characterised by the development of several tiny cysts on the ovaries. On the contrary, PCOS is a more complex condition that is characterised by several factors, such as hormonal irregularities, irregular menstrual cycles, and the formation of cysts.
2 The primary symptoms of PCOD are irregular menstrual periods and the existence of multiple ovarian cysts. Hormonal abnormalities, such as high levels of androgens or male hormones like testosterone, are other significant symptoms of PCOS in addition to these symptoms.
3 PCOD is more prevalent and affects one-third of all menstrual women worldwide. A study found that while PCOD affects 22.5% of menstruating women, PCOS affects 9.13% of them.
4 For women with PCOD, becoming pregnant is possible with some lifestyle adjustments and proper medical care. Conception is significantly more challenging when there are hormonal problems linked to PCOS.

Does PCOD cause infertility?

Approximately one in five women who are of reproductive age suffer from PCOS, a complex hormonal disorder. Increased levels of luteinising hormone, which triggers ovulation, and decreased levels of "follicle-stimulating hormone," which is necessary for pubertal development and the functioning of men's testes and women's ovaries, have been observed in the majority of PCOS-afflicted women.

In addition, women with PCOS produce excessive androgens (sometimes known as "male" hormones) while underproducing oestrogens (also known as "female" hormones). This results in microscopic cysts on the surface of the ovaries. Women with PCOS frequently experience irregular menstrual periods as a result of these hormonal abnormalities since they either rarely or never ovulate. Therefore, compared to other women, women with PCOS are more likely to have infertility.

Herein, adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy BMI, reducing alcohol consumption, consuming a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep, is the first step towards improving a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Also, consulting a homeopathic physician is essential for an accurate diagnosis and customised treatment choices.

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