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General Introduction

Is stress a trigger for asthma? Yes, it is! You have heard it right! The fluctuating stress level in children is often a trigger factor for asthma in children. Stress Asthma attacks in children have become prevalent in recent decades. The children are often full of stress due to the immense academic pressure. Children have different types of stress, such as homework pressure, assignment deadlines, and internal and annual exams on their shoulders. In addition, toxic parenting might also cause stress, which causes stress-induced asthma in children. Repetition of the stress episodes is a trigger factor for the stress asthma attack in children. This is one of the most untouched aspects of human society that needs to be addressed.

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Need to tackle stress in children to Treat asthma

The kids of the 21st century are undergoing a tremendous amount of stress, as discussed above. The need of the hour is to take the issue of stress related asthma attacks seriously. If we want to prevent stress asthma attacks in children, then we should avoid and manage stress efficiently. Stress causes many negative effects on the children, such as anxiety, clinical depression, and ADHD. Therefore, emphasis needs to be laid on stress management as soon as possible so that asthma can be avoided. More than 50 percent of asthma patients are suffering from stress.

The links between asthma and many symptoms indicative of stress, such as restlessness, irritability, sadness, and isolation, have been described in the literature. Emotional arousal, such as laughter or crying, has also been associated with airway constriction in asthma attacks.

Need to tackle stress in children to Treat asthma

Factors contributing to a stress-induced asthma attack in children

Peer pressure in school and pressure to do exceptionally well in academic exams is an significant factor for stress-induced asthma attack. The children should not stress too much about peer pressure and should not stress too much about their studies. Over-secretion of stress hormones makes children more susceptible to asthma attacks.

This over-secretion of the stress hormones increases the possibility of a stress asthma attack occurrence. The parents should take care of the children with the help of counseling. Sometimes, the children and early teenagers become habituated to smoking and drugs due to childhood trauma of getting beaten by parents or scolded by teachers.

Factors contributing to a stress-induced asthma attack in children

How to handle stress-related asthma attacks in children?

There are the following factors that need to be addressed to address the stress asthma attack:

  • Managing symptoms with homeopathy: Homeopathic medicines can be used as the first line of treatment for stress-related asthma attacks. Homeopathy has shown incredible results in asthma attack treatment among children.
  • Avoid taking allopathy medicines in stress asthma attacks: Allopathy medicines are known to cause many problems, including stomach disturbances, over-relaxation of the bronchi, and other stuff.
  • Children's counseling: The counseling of the children is necessary in order to address their stress and asthma symptoms. Homeopathy experts have great expertise in treating anxiety, depression, and other mental health factors stimulating asthma attacks in children.

Causes of stress-related asthma in children

  • Allergies to pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander: The Asthma children should avoid dusty and unhygienic places. The children should stay away from the pet's hair, dander, and urine spilled at home.
  • Abrupt changes in weather or cold air: Whenever there are sudden rapid weather changes from cold to dry or vice versa, cause stress asthma children to have an attack. The snowfall and dry weather conditions may cause a pneumonia-turned-stress asthma attack in children.
  • Some airway infections at a young age: Some other respiratory infections, such as whooping cough, also stimulate stress asthma attacks indirectly. Allopathic medicines should be avoided in those cases.
  • An inherited tendency to develop stress asthma responses: The genetically acquired stress-induced Asthma from the parents to the children is also a key factor of disease acquisition. When children get the ability to develop allergies from their parents, asthma is more likely to happen to them.
  • Air pollutants, including tobacco smoke: Tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide, and other harmful greenhouse gases also cause asthma in children. Early teenagers should avoid smoking.
  • Compromised immune system: children with compromised immune system causes stress asthma attack in vulnerable patients.
  • Excessive swimming: some sports activities, such as swimming, cause stress and asthma attacks in children. Swimming exercises shall be done in moderation.
  • Unhygienic respiratory system: children with un-cleared throats are more susceptible to asthma attacks. Therefore, the patient shall live a healthy lifestyle.
  • Surrounded by industrial smoke: Children surrounded by or living in the industry are more likely to get affected by asthma.

Symptoms of Stress-related Asthma in Children

Asthma symptoms vary from child to child. The signs and symptoms of stress asthma in children include:

Shortness of breathing

It is also called dyspnea. It is more common in stress asthma attacks. The child feels an intense tightening in the chest, difficulty breathing, air hunger, breathlessness, or a feeling of suffocation by the patient. Shortness of breathing is common in younger kids.

Chest stiffness or pain

The patient has chest stiffness due to stress Asthma; the patient may feel difficulty in inhaling breath and exhaling breath out of the chest. With asthma, mild chest stiffness might be present most of the time, but it may worsen in response to an asthma trigger.

Wheezing during exhalation

It is one of the most common features of a stress asthma attack. It is most often seen in younger children of age below 14. Allopathic drugs are not result-oriented in treating wheezing. It is common in younger children.

Coughing or wheezing

Wheezing is a high-pitched sound that occurs when you breathe. It's caused by narrowed airways or inflammation in the lungs.

Rude behavior

The child suffers from stress-related asthma attacks so sometimes, his behavior becomes rude.

Allopathy v/s Homeopathy

  • It has been found that Allopathy is absolutely of no worth in providing the best child asthma attack treatment for children of different ages.
  • Allopathic drugs are made in a synthetic manner, and therefore, they cause severe toxicity to asthma child patients. Asthma homeopathic treatment is good in terms of effective results.
  • Allopathic medicines are difficult to remove entirely from the body of child stress asthma patients, and they are not that effective. In addition, they do not treat the real cause of asthma.
  • Homeopathic medicine relies on natural and cost-effective drugs and their doses. So, first, the patients thoroughly looked at their medical records. And then, the doctor prescribes the child asthma attack treatment.
  • Homeopathy treats the patient gently. For example, in asthma prevention, the patient is relieved from the discomfort-causing symptoms, and the recurrence of the ailment is also prevented.

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