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Homeoapthy treatment for proteinuria

Proteinuria is a medical condition when protein levels in the urine increase. Proteinuria could be a sign of Kidney Damage. Proteinuria, a condition characterized by the presence of excessive protein in the urine, is often a symptom of a health issue, such as kidney disease or urinary tract infections. Homeopathic treatment for proteinuria also involves medications and lifestyle changes. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that aims to stimulate the body's innate healing abilities. The selection of homeopathic medicines is dependent upon the distinct symptoms and situations of each individual, making it a personalized approach for proteinuria treatment. In cases of proteinuria, a homeopath will assess the patient's overall health, identify the root cause, and prescribe remedies that address the underlying conditions, which may include urine infection treatment.

It's essential to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner who can provide a tailored treatment plan, as homeopathy is highly individualized. Additionally, combining homeopathic treatments with conventional medical care may offer a comprehensive approach to managing proteinuria and associated urinary infection.

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Stages of Proteinuria

There are the following stages of Proteinuria:

  • Stage 1: It means that the patient has mild Proteinuria, and a GFR of 90 or above indicates that kidneys are working well, but the patient has minor release of protein in urea.
  • Stage 2: It means that the Proteinuria patient has more damaged kidneys than the previous stage. Signs of this kidney injury stage include a moderate amount of protein release in the urine. Some foam in the urine can be seen.
  • Stage 3: The third stage of Proteinuria causes many moderate serious issues in kidney patients. Swelling in hands and feet is common in patients, and blood can also be seen in the urine. A large amount of foam in urine can be seen.

Symptoms of Proteinuria

  1. Frequent urination: In this problem, the patient feels the urge to urinate very frequently. It disturbs the sleep of the patient, too.
  2. Shortness of breath: The patient struggles to catch the breath.
  3. Tiredness: This is associated with an increased breathing rate and restlessness. It is one of the indicative symptoms of Proteinuria.
  4. Nausea and vomiting: The patient may often feel nauseated, and a feeling of nausea starts making the patient anxious and disturbed.
  5. Swelling in the belly, feet, and face: Swelling on the face and limbs occurs due to fluid accumulation in cells due to the disturbed ionic composition.
  6. Muscle cramps at night: It is marked by muscle cramps at night when sleeping.
  7. Puffiness around the eyes: The eyes of the patient show signs of puffiness in a circular shape around the eyes.
  8. Foamy or bubbly urine: The patient's urine becomes foamy, indicating Proteinuria.

Causes of Proteinuria:

Multiple myeloma: It is known as the Cancer of plasma cells. This disease weakens renal or kidney function.

Acute Renal or Kidney inflammation: In glomerulonephritis, swelling, and extreme inflammation occur, and as a result, the protein becomes released in the urine.

Auto-Immune disorders: like lupus, conditions in which the body's immune system starts reacting against its own body. The increased quantity of protein becomes excreted in the urine.

Intravascular hemolysis: In Intravascular disorder, the destruction of red blood cells occurs, accompanied by the release of hemoglobin in the blood circulation.

Cardiovascular disease: Heart patients often complain about degraded muscle repair, so Proteinuria is often observed in them.

Kidney cancer: Kidney cancer is associated and marked with protein in the urine. Thus, as a result, Proteinuria helps diagnose various kidney diseases.

Trauma: emotional and physical trauma is also linked with Proteinuria. With the help of homeopathy, it is found that Proteinuria can be cured completely. However, trauma is known to cause the abnormal protein release in the urine.

Congestive heart failure: patients with a history of congestive heart failure often complain about Proteinuria.

Presence of kidney stone: kidney stone decreases renal function, and as a result, Proteinuria becomes apparent.

Intense physical exercise: It increases muscle damage and protein release in the urine. Creatinine amount becomes enriched in the urine.

Homeopathic Approach in the Treatment of Proteinuria

The Homeopathic Approach of Treatment is highly suitable to the needs of the patients. In this approach, the proper diet chart is given to the patients, and the best-quality homeopathic medicines are given to patients. The patients who took the homeopathic Approach to Treatment believe that the disorder-causing factors are treated scientifically. Even after many follow-up rounds after the Treatment, the patients are listened to and advised carefully. In the proteinuria homeopathic treatment, all other complications and related factors were handled so the patient could live a healthy life. We provide the best kidney disease treatment to every patient.

Test to Detect Proteinuria

  • Blood creatinine Test: Healthy kidneys move these substances from the blood to the urine. If the kidneys are not working correctly, creatinine will remain in the blood.
  • Dipstick Test: In this test, the chemical tip changes are allowed to be noticed by a change in color. The remainder of the urine is then examined under a microscope. Doctors look for the abnormal presence of substances, including white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, and crystals of kidney stones.
  • Serum protein Test: The serum is part of the protein-filled blood. This test helps in the diagnosis of Proteinuria. It is one of the best methods to diagnose Proteinuria.
  • Immunofixation blood Test: It detects the immunoglobulins – antibodies that fight infection. In Proteinuria, they are present in the blood.
  • Estimated glomerular filtration rate (EGFR): The GFR test identifies creatinine and albumin levels in the blood. It indicates the quality of kidney work and how far kidney disease has progressed.
  • Urine protein electrophoresis: Doctors search for specific types of proteins in a urine sample. This test is essential in the detection of Proteinuria.

Allopathy v/s Homeopathy

  • Allopathic medicine is ineffective, and they do not treat the root cause of Proteinuria. Gradually, the patients are moving away from this mode of medicine.
  • Allopathic medicines are made synthetically, and thus, they cause toxicity to the patient with Proteinuria and other problems.
  • In allopathy, drugs are involved in the short-term reduction of the symptoms of Proteinuria. People are advised not to rely on them.
  • Homeopathy treats the patient differently. For example, in proteinuria Homeopathic Treatment, the patient is relieved from the disturbance-causing symptoms, and the recurrence of the ailment is also prevented.
  • Homeopathic medicine relies on particular medicines and doses. First, the patients are thoroughly looked at their medical records. And then, the doctor prescribes the best homeopathic medication.
  • In addition, patients become completely satisfied with the homeopathic Treatment. A satisfying number of excellent and healthy changes are seen in patients undergoing Proteinuria Homeopathic Treatment.
  • Homeopathy treatment is a genuine and safe route of medication that treats the patient physically and provides an excellent post-treatment experience to patients suffering from Proteinuria.

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