Tips for managing psoriasis on skin, nails, and hair Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune disease that affects the skin, nails, and scalp of the patients.…
A life with liver disorder. Living with a liver disease is very challenging, but controlling or managing it effectively is possible. Any condition that affects…
Understanding Vitiligo: Myths & facts Vitiligo is a severe skin disease that has many causes, including hyperactive autoimmune, environmental causes, and genetic factors, but people…
Oligospermia or low sperm count ओलिगोस्पर्मिया, जिसमें स्पर्म की संख्या कम होती है, पुरुष प्रजनन क्षमता(बच्चा पैदा करने में समस्या) को प्रभावित करने वाली कई…
How to treat kidney problems naturally? The term kidney problems encompasses a variety of conditions, ranging from acute to chronic issues. These conditions can arise…
Can psoriasis be reversed with diet? Developing healthy eating habits, consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, steering clear from dairy products, and adding lean…
Management strategies Stage 3 CKD The severity of kidney damage is mainly assessed through a blood test that calculates the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).…