Can hydrocele be treated without surgery?

hydrocele pain treatment

Are there any treatment options to cure hydrocele without surgery? 

Hydrocele is a medical disorder related to the testicles of the male reproductive organ. It occurs when the fluid accumulates in the scrotum ( a sac of skin that holds and protects the testicles), resulting in swelling. Approximately 120 million men have hydrocele around the globe. The condition is accompanied by issues like infertility, testicular pain, and damage, risk of certain infections, and discomfort. Hydrocele is a serious concern and cannot be left untreated.

There are a variety of methods available to treat the condition. However, the affected patients often hesitate to opt for surgical options, considering the sensitivity of the reproductive organs, and wonder if there are any methodologies for hydrocele treatment without surgery.

Well, medical science also offers non-surgical options for treating this condition. In fact, some of these methods are as effective as surgery and relatively safer. In this blog, we will be mentioning various treatment options that can help patients treat their hydrocele without the need for surgery and achieve relief from all the symptoms and complications associated with the condition. Continue reading to learn more.

What are the main symptoms associated with hydrocele?

 The most notable symptom of the condition is the presence of painless swelling in the scrotum region on one or both sides. The swelling can resemble a water balloon. Some patients can also experience pain due to the condition. Other symptoms include; 

  • Swelling that  can vary in size throughout the day
  • Discomfort in the groin area, particularly when sitting
  • Pain in the scrotum, which may intensify as the swelling increases 
  • A sensation of heaviness in the scrotum

If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you must consult your healthcare provider to confirm if it is a hydrocele. He can perform a physical test or even advise you for a light test called transillumination for an accurate diagnosis of hydrocele. 

How serious is a Hydrocele?

While the swelling and heaviness associated with hydrocele can be very discomforting for the patients, the condition is also linked with an increased risk of certain infections and tumors that can result in serious issues.

  • Infections and tumors:  These two conditions can often result due to hydrocele. This happens as a side effect of the imbalance of fluid production and absorption in the scrotum, resulting in complications like tumors of the testes, bacterial infection, etc.
  • Inguinal hernia: In this condition, specific abdominal tissues bulge through a weak area present in your lower abdominal wall. Hydrocele is considered to be a risk factor behind the occurrence of the condition. Inguinal hernia can severely damage the organs within the range of the hernia sac due to compromised blood supply. 

So, with the above facts, we can easily conclude that hydrocele is a relatively serious issue and can lead to a number of severe complications. Patients must not take this issue lightly and consult a qualified healthcare practitioner as soon as possible for the treatment.

Is surgery a viable option to cure hydrocele?

Associated with a lot of risks and challenges, opting for surgery to cure hydrocele might not be the best decision due to the following complications associated with this invasive treatment methodology;

  • Pain: Mild discomfort in the groin or in one or both testicles.
  • Swelling: Swelling or bruising in the groin and scrotum.
  • Fatigue: Increased tiredness beyond normal levels.
  • Itching: Itching is a typical part of the healing process. 
  • Infection: Possible infection of the wound or scrotum.
  • Blood clot: Accumulation of blood or fluid under the wound or in the scrotum.
  • Scarring: Potential for unfavorable scarring.
  • Injury: Injury to the testicle or surrounding structures.
  • Anesthesia risks: Risks associated with the anesthesia used during the procedure.
  • Hydrocele recurrence: Possibility of the hydrocele returning.

Patients need not worry as there are multiple non-surgical options to treat the condition. Below, we will be discussing about the same.

Is a hydrocele cure without surgery possible?

There are certain ways that can help patients achieve a complete cure for their condition without any need for surgery. These methods include. Below, we have discussed all of them in detail.

  • Aspiration:

In this medical methodology, a needle is inserted into the hydrocele sac, and the fluid is withdrawn with the use of it. After the fluid is drained out, a sclerosing agent is injected to prevent the recurrence of the condition.

However, this sclerosing agent can damage the blood vessels or nearby tissues by causing inflammation and cellular damage. Otherwise, it might not include surgery, but usage of the needles at such sensitive organs can be quite discomforting for the patients.

  • Allopathic medications:

Whether your hydrocele can be treated with the help of allopathic hydrocele treatment medicines or not depends on the underlying causes behind the condition. If you have developed hydrocele due to some infection or swelling of the testicles, certain antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicines can help treat the condition.

However, it is not a viable option for all patients, and allopathic medicines are made up of harsh chemical substances that can cause a number of additional side effects to the patient’s health.

  • Homeopathy:

Hydrocele treatment in homeopathy is safe, effective, side-effect-free, and offers a natural relief from hydrocele. The treatment plan involves the usage of medicines made from natural substances to cure the condition. These remedies are designed to work on the root cause of the condition and correct the underlying imbalances.

Homeopathic practitioners follow a comprehensive strategy, taking into account the patient’s condition, unique symptoms, medical history, and overall health before prescribing the medications. This makes homeopathic treatments highly personalized and holistic in nature. Other benefits of seeking homeopathic treatment for hydrocele involve;

  • Works on the root cause and minimizes the chances of recurrences
  • Improves fertility of the patients
  • Suitable and safe for each and every patient
  • Homeopathic medicines for hydrocele can help alleviate the pain associated with the condition

However, while seeking a homeopathic hydrocele pain treatment, it is important to consult a qualified practitioner to get the maximum benefits and quick recovery from the condition

Why choose us?

Bharat Homeopathy has a team of highly skilled and experienced doctors who curate the best plan possible for each and every patient dealing with any kind of male health issue. Hydrocele can be a very discomforting and challenging condition; our doctors can help you achieve relief from the pain and distress associated with the condition with a safe and non-surgical methodology.Our treatment plans also include a prescription of a customized diet plan designed as per the eating habits of the patients to support fast recovery. Patients can avail of online consultations with our doctors in the comfort of their homes. Our services also include doorstep delivery of medicines. Contact us today to learn more about our hydrocele treatment without surgery.