Can vitiligo be cured permanently with homeopathy?

permanently with homeopathy

Is Homeopathy effective in treating vitiligo? 

Vitiligo might manifest as a physical complexity affecting the pigmentation of your skin and leading to the development of white patches. However, the consequences of this medical condition are not limited to physiological disturbances. Vitiligo can significantly impact a person’s self-image and cause profound psychological stress. 

Patients can start identifying and limiting themselves based solely on this skin condition with white patches.  While the decision to seek medical attention for vitiligo ultimately rests with the patient, if you are looking for effective treatment options and wondering does homeopathy has cure for vitiligo, you’ve come to the right place. This blog explores the efficacy of homeopathic treatment plans in providing complete relief from the condition. Before we jump on the treatment plans, let us brief you a little about vitiligo. 

What is Vitiligo?

Characterised by the formation of white or light-coloured patches on the skin surface, vitiligo is an autoimmune disease. It manifests when the body’s immune system targets and eliminates melanocytes, the cells responsible for the pigment of the skin. It can lead to the following symptoms; 

  1. The most apparent symptom is the development of white patches on skin. These patches generally affect the following body parts;
  • Face
  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Vitiligo on lips
  • Elbows
  • Knees
  • Genital areas
  1. Patients can also experience premature greying of hair and eyebrows 
  2. The skin around the eyes, inside the mouth and nose can also be affected
  3. Patients are also prone to developing issues related to eyes and ears.

Before the condition causes severe depigmentation of the skin, patients must consult a qualified skin specialist to control the progression of white patches on skin. Now, is it a good idea to opt for a homeopathic cure? While, homeopathy can be the best choice for vitiligo patients. The treatment plans are completely safe and have no other health implications. 

Homeopathic Treatment for Vitiligo: Safe and Effective

Originating from Germany, Homeopathy is a medical system that uses natural, side-effect-free remedies to cure any kind of medical problem. The system has been widely accepted around the globe as the ideal way to treat a variety of health-related concerns.

As we all know by now, vitiligo may show symptoms on the skin; however, it is an immune system-related concern. Homeopathic remedy for vitiligo is designed to fix the imbalances arising in our immune system and cure the condition from its roots. Homeopathy emerges as the only medical system capable of permanently offering a reliable and complete cure for vitiligo. 

Permanent Vitiligo Cure with Homeopathy

Vitiligo affects approximately 0.6% to 1% of the global population. In India, however, prevalence rates as high as 8.85% have been reported, where the disease is associated with significant stigma. 

Out of all the treatment options available, patients have acknowledged the limitations of Allopathy and Ayurveda in providing a complete cure for the condition. Homeopathy comes forward as the most comprehensive and suitable way to treat vitiligo permanently due to the following reasons;

  • Corrects the root cause: Homeopathic remedies are designed to work on the causative factors responsible for the occurrence of disease at the first place. 
  • Safe and no side-effects: The medicines are made up of natural substances such as plants and minerals, causing no side effects on the health of patients.
  • Promotes melanin production: To restore the original pigmentation of the skin, homeopathic medicine for vitiligo supports the production of melanocytes.
  • Minimise the progression of white patches: Correcting the immune system imbalances, homeopathic treatment plans focus on halting the formation of new white patches. 

So, patients opting for homeopathic cure might achieve a permanent solution for their white patches if the treatment begins early enough. Homeopathy has transformed countless individuals’ lives through its innovative approach to treating skin ailments.

Now, another concern of vitiligo patients is whether it is necessary to seek medical help for this condition. Or, even if they achieve complete relief from the condition, will it affect their children in future? To clear the air, let us take this question into account and provide a scientific analysis. 

Is it OK to leave vitiligo untreated?

If left untreated, vitiligo may spread widely and affect various areas of the skin. It is also observed that approximately 15 to 26 per cent of patients with vitiligo also get affected by at least one other autoimmune disorder. These disorders commonly include; 

  • Autoimmune thyroid disease 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Type 1 diabetes 
  • Psoriasis,
  • Pernicious anaemia 
  • Addison’s disease 
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus 
  • Celiac disease 
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Ulcerative colitis

After knowing the complications that must arise due to vitiligo, we hope that it is clear to the patients that more than a skin or look concern, vitiligo can lead to health-related complications, too. Seeking proper medical treatment will not only minimise the chances of developing these autoimmune disorders but also help you in dealing with psychological or skin appearance-related concerns.  

Is vitiligo a hereditary disease? Will it affect my child’s health? 

Although the development of the condition is influenced by many risk factors, such as the environment, triggers, chemical exposure, etc., a family history of vitiligo is considered to be the major factor.  In fact, 20 % of the patients diagnosed with this condition have at least one first-degree close relative affected by vitiligo, too. 

So, the condition may also arise in your children. However, consulting an experienced homeopathic practitioner might minimise the chances of this happening.

As homeopathic treatment for white spots on skin are designed to treat a disease from its root levels, there is minimal to no chance of the condition recurring in affected patients. These remedies can also minimise the chances of your children being affected by vitiligo. The most important thing is to consult a qualified and experienced homeopathic practitioner. 

Bharat Homeopathy –  Best treatment for vitiligo

Bharat Homeopathy provides a highly customised and safe treatment exclusively designed for the specific needs of patients. Our innovative treatment plans not only target the physical white patches but also address the underlying causes behind the condition. You can also read many “Bharat Homeopathy Vitiligo treatment reviews” available on the internet to learn more about the success ratio of our treatment plans. Contact us today to achieve permanent relief from your white patches.