Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

What is Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic Syndrome in children is a medical condition that causes the kidneys to leak large quantities of protein into the urine. This can lead to a diverse range of problems, including swelling of body tissues of organs and a greater chance of acquiring infections. 

Nephrotic syndrome in children is mainly found in the Age group of 2 to 5 years old. The instances of Nephrotic syndrome are more frequent in boys and affect more boys than girls. Around 1 in every 50,000 children are found to be involved with Nephrotic syndrome each year. Bharat Homeopathy has treated many children who had suffered from Nephrotic syndrome. 

Classification of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

  1. Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome: It is observed in children in the phase from birth to 3 months
  2. Infantile Nephrotic Syndrome: It is observed in the time phase from 3 months to 12 months
  3. Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome: When the child is 12 months or older, it happens to occur.

Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children:

  • Minimal change disease: This is the one of the most common cause of Nephrotic Syndrome in children. In this disorder, the kidney appears to be functioning normally. However, when examined under a microscope, the presence of abnormal products is found in the kidney.
  • Diabetic kidney disorder: Patients who are suffering from Diabetes may lead to kidney damage. This damage further causes Nephrotic Syndrome in children. This can be treated by homeopathy.
  • Membranous nephropathy: It can cause many medical conditions, such as lupus, malaria, cancer, and hepatitis B. In this condition, the thickening of membranes within the glomeruli occurs because of the depositions made by the immune system. 
  • Systemic lupus: It causes damage in the glomeruli. This disease can cause Nephrotic syndrome. 
  • Glomerulosclerosis: Genetic diseases and other kidney diseases can also cause glomerulosclerosis. Nephrotic syndrome in children is linked with the complication of glomerulosclerosis. 

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

  • Abdominal pain: Nephrotic Syndrome in children is indicated by mild to extreme pain in the abdomen. The pain in the kidney spreads to the abdomen. 
  • Blood clots. Nephrotic Syndrome in Children inhibits the glomeruli function of filtering the blood properly and can lead to loss of blood clotting that help prevent clotting of blood. This symptom is really dangerous in children suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome.
  • Hypoalbuminemia: Hypoalbuminemia is a medical condition in which the level of albumin in the blood is lower than the normal range. This can be due to decreased production of albumin in the liver. 
  • Hyperlipidemia: Hyperlipidemia signifies the blood of the patient has an increased amount of lipids such as cholesterol, fat, and triglycerides. 
  • Increased blood pressure: The patients often complain about increased blood pressure. It is one of the most common features of Nephrotic Syndrome in children. The increased blood pressure can be decreased by Homeopathic medicines. 
  • Loss of appetite: The secretion of gastric acid in the stomach becomes decreased. And as a result, the urge in the children to eat food and the normal level of hunger gets decreased. Homeopathic medicine can treat the lower level of hunger. 
  • Swelling in lower limbs due to fluid retention: patients with Nephrotic Syndrome often complain about the swelling in their hands or legs due to the accumulation of fluids. 
  • Foamy urine: It is a condition in which the urine of the patient becomes frothy. It is an indication that the protein has been released in the urine, and the children are suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome. 
  • Weight gain: Hyperlipidemia in children causes weight gain in children suffering from nephrotic syndrome. 
  • Fatigue: The patient becomes lethargic, less active in routine tasks. This is associated with an increased breathing rate an  restlessness. It is one of the indicative symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children.

Homeopathic Approach in the Treatment of Proteinuria:

The Homeopathic Approach of Treatment is highly suitable to the needs of the patients. In this Approach, the proper diet chart is given to the patients, and best-quality homeopathic medicines are given to patients. The patients who took the homeopathic Approach to Treatment believe that the disorder-causing factors are treated scientifically. Even after many follow-up rounds after the Treatment, the patients are listened to and advised carefully. In the proteinuria homeopathic treatment, all other complications and related factors were also taken care of; so that the patient lives a healthy life. Best kidney disease treatment is provided by us to every patient

Test to Detect Proteinuria:

  • Blood creatinine Test: Healthy kidneys move these substances from the blood to the urine. If the kidneys are not working correctly, creatinine will remain in the blood.
  • Dipstick Test: In this test, the chemical tip changes are allowed to be noticed by a change in color. The remainder of the urine is then examined under a microscope. Doctors look for the abnormal presence of substances, including white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, and crystals of kidney stones.
  • Serum protein Test: The serum is part of the blood filled with proteins. This test helps in the diagnosis of Proteinuria. It is one of the best methods to diagnose Proteinuria. 
  • Immunofixation blood Test: It detects the immunoglobulins – which are antibodies that fight infection. In Proteinuria, they are present in the blood.
  • Estimated glomerular filtration rate (EGFR): The GFR test identifies the levels of creatinine and albumin in the blood. It indicates the quality of working of kidneys and how far kidney disease has progressed.
  • Urine protein electrophoresis: Doctors search for specific types of proteins in a urine sample. This test is important in the detection of Proteinuria. 

Allopathy v/s Homeopathy

  • Allopathic medicine is not that effective, and they do not treat the root cause of Proteinuria. Gradually the patients are moving away from this mode of medicine. 
  • Allopathic medicines are made synthetically, and thus, they cause toxicity to the patient with Proteinuria and other problems. 
  • In allopathy, drugs are involved in the short-term reduction of the symptoms of Proteinuria. People are advised not to rely on them. 
  • Homeopathy treats the patient differently. For example, in proteinuria  Homeopathic Treatment, the patient is relieved from the disturbance causing symptoms, and the recurrence of the ailment is also prevented. 
  • Homeopathic medicine relies on highly specific medicine and doses. First, the patients are thoroughly looked in at their medical records. And then, the doctor prescribes the best homeopathic medication.
  • In addition, patients become completely satisfied with the homeopathic treatment. A satisfying number of good and healthy changes are seen in patients undergoing Proteinuria Homeopathic Treatment.
  • Homeopathy treatment is a genuine and safe route of medication that treats the patient physically and provides a good post-treatment experience to patients suffering from Proteinuria.

How is Bharat Homeopathy Treating Proteinuria Patients?

Bharat Homeopathy provides a better proteinuria homeopathic treatment in terms of quality and satisfaction. Bharat Homeopathy’s proteinuria homeopathic treatment has shown remarkable results and achievements in our patients.

We strictly prevent the patient from consuming toxicity-causing synthetic allopathic medicines that are expensive to patients. Bharat Homeopathy has an insight that most Renal diseases can be treated and completely cured with the help of Homeopathic medicines.

Bharat Homeopathy is constantly serving needy patients by treating renal diseases and Proteinuria. The patients have successfully treated and cured themselves with the help of homeopathic Treatment. 


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