Homeopathy. Its History and journey

Homeopathy is a therapy that is based on the principle of “सम: समम् शमयति” or “समरूपता.” It works on the belief that the body can…

How to reduce creatinine by yoga

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What is creatinine? During muscle metabolism, creatinine is a waste product produced in the muscles. It moves through the blood from the muscles to…


Womenica With the progressive changes in societal mindset and a gradual shift from patriarchal households, women’s roles and responsibilities have changed too. While earlier, they…

Psoriasis on Scalp

Psoriasis is known as a skin disorder in which skin cells grow at abnormal levels. Usually, cell regeneration occurs and balances with dead skin cells.…


OLIGOSPERMIA Oligospermia is a disease when the men’s ejaculation of semen contains less sperm count than the one necessary to make a female egg fertile.…