Seasonal Asthma: How to Handle Flare-ups During Allergy Season

homeopathic medicine for asthma

Asthma in summers

Extremely high temperatures and NDMA messages about severe heatwave alert have become synonymous with summers due to dramatic climate change. The weather, known to instantly melt ice creams, comes with its own unique challenges and being a tropical landmass, it affects our population more than anywhere else!

Certain environmental triggers, including increased pollen levels, humidity, and outdoor activities, collectively contribute to additional challenges for individuals with this condition. Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition characterised by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, can be significantly impacted by seasonal changes. Various other symptoms may include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and an overall feeling of breathlessness.

What is seasonal asthma?

Seasonal asthma, a subtype of asthma, is triggered or exacerbated by specific environmental allergens, such as pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds, prevalent during particular times of the year. Spring often brings tree pollen, summer is dominated by grass pollen, and fall sees an increase in weed pollen, notably ragweed. Mold spores, which can thrive in damp environments, are another common trigger and can be particularly problematic in the fall. Managing seasonal asthma, especially during peak allergy seasons, requires a multifaceted approach combining preventive measures, medication, and lifestyle adjustments. 

The following are certain asthma-triggering factors that may aggravate the symptoms:

  • High Temperatures: Hot air with elevated temperatures can irritate the respiratory tract, leading to inflammation and narrowing of the airways. Moreover, heat can increase the concentration of asthma risk factors, such as pollutants and allergens in the air, further aggravating the symptoms.
  • Increased Pollen Levels: Summer is synonymous with high pollen counts, particularly from grasses, weeds, and trees. Pollen is a common allergen that can trigger asthma symptoms, including wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Pollen counts tend to peak in the morning and evening, making these times particularly challenging for those struggling with this disease.
  • Humidity: Humidity levels often rise in the summer, creating an environment conducive to the growth of mold and dust mites, both of which are common asthma triggers. Humid air can also feel heavier and harder to breathe, placing additional strain on the respiratory system of individuals with this disease.
  • Outdoor Activities: Summer encourages outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, and playing sports. While physical activity is generally beneficial, it can also trigger exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) in asthmatics.
  • Air Pollution: Increased temperatures often lead to higher levels of ozone, a key component of smog. Ozone can irritate the lungs and exacerbate the symptoms. Additionally, summer activities like barbecuing and fireworks can release particulate matter into the air, contributing to pollution and triggering silent asthma attack symptoms.

Here are some asthma prevention & management strategies that may help during the warmer months:

  • Monitoring Air Quality: Monitoring the air quality index india and staying informed about daily air quality levels can help individuals with asthma plan their activities. It is advisable and suggested to stay indoors and limit outdoor activities on days with poor air quality or high pollen counts, especially during peak times.
  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential, especially in hot weather. Proper hydration helps thin mucus in the airways, making it easier to breathe. It also prevents dehydration, which can exacerbate the symptoms.
  • Regular Medical Check-ups: Routine and regular visits to a healthcare provider can ensure the patient’s situation is well-controlled. Regular check-ups allow for adjustments in medication and provide an opportunity to address any concerns or changes in symptoms.
  • Emergency Plan: It is vital to have a clear action plan for the emergencies. This plan should include steps to take during an asthma attack and emergency contact information of your respiratory specialists and friends & family.
  • Education and Awareness: Educating oneself and others about the disease can lead to better management. Understanding the condition, recognising early signs of an asthma attack, and knowing how to respond appropriately can significantly improve outcomes.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a properly balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise can strengthen the immune system and improve overall health and well-being, making it easier to manage the condition.

Homeopathic Asthma Treatment

Multiple asthma treatment options are now accessible for various medical conditions. But, homeopathy for asthma has emerged as a viable option for individuals looking for alternatives to traditional treatment. Homeopathy is an alternative medicine approach that administers highly diluted asthma medications in the body to stimulate its healing processes. It provides a comprehensive way of treating symptoms by emphasising individualised care and using mild treatments made from natural sources.

Bharat Homeopathy Hospital is a trusted destination for anyone seeking safe and effective homeopathic treatment for asthma. Our hospital is committed to providing individualised and customised treatment solutions to individuals with this disease. We at Bharat Homeopathy, Gurugram, are aware of the difficulties caused by respiratory conditions and the significance of obtaining treatment without compromising the patient’s privacy. With the goal of achieving long-term healing and enhanced quality of life, our team of exceptionally talented asthma specialists combines tried-and-true, research-based techniques with customised treatments for each individual patient.


Asthma in the summer presents unique challenges due to environmental factors such as high temperatures, increased pollen levels, and humidity. However, with proper management and preventative measures, individuals with this disease can effectively manage and control their symptoms and enjoy the season. 

Adherence to homeopathic medicine for asthma, monitoring air quality, staying hydrated, and taking proactive steps towards reducing exposure to triggers are essential strategies. By working closely with asthma specialist healthcare providers and staying informed, individuals with this disease can navigate the summer months with confidence and improved respiratory health. With diligence and proper management, you can minimise the impact of seasonal asthma and maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.