Understanding Proteinuria: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


Proteinuria: A Silent Threat to Kidney Health

Have you ever wondered why your urine appears frothy or foamy? Are you also experiencing sudden frequent urination or swelling in your feet, face, and hands? Don’t overlook this as a minor inconvenience. It could indicate Proteinuria, a condition that requires attention. 

Examine the possible proteinuria causes, understand its symptoms, and find out about treatment options right here on this blog. 

What is Proteinuria? 

Proteinuria, or protein in urine,  is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal protein level. It occurs when the kidneys’ filtering units, called glomeruli, are damaged or malfunctioning. Typically, the kidneys filter waste products and excess fluid from the blood while retaining essential proteins. However, in cases of proteinuria, the glomeruli become permeable to proteins, allowing them to leak into the urine.

To confirm the presence of excessive protein in your urine, your doctor could carry out a urine test (urinalysis), which measures the protein level in urine. Depending on the severity and underlying cause, proteinuria can range from mild to severe. Sometimes, it may be temporary and resolved independently; in others, it may require medical intervention and treatment. 

Are there any Types?

Yes! There are three categories:

Transient proteinuria – It is usually temporary and occurs due to factors such as fever, strenuous exercise, or emotional stress. It typically resolves on its own without any long-term consequences.

Orthostatic proteinuria – This type is more common in children and adolescents. It is characterised by protein in the urine only when a person is upright, such as standing or walking. When lying down, the protein levels in the urine return to normal. Orthostatic proteinuria is generally considered benign and does not require treatment.

Persistent proteinuria– This is a more severe type that can indicate an underlying kidney disease or other health conditions. It is characterised by protein in the urine over an extended period. Conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, glomerulonephritis, or certain autoimmune disorders may cause this proteinuria. 

If you suspect protein in your urine or have concerns about your urinary health, reach out to our kidney specialist, Dr Kanchan, for proper evaluation and guidance.

What Causes it?

Have you ever thought about what causes protein in urine? Well, it can be caused by numerous factors, which include:

Dehydration – When the body loses too much fluid, dehydration occurs. This can temporarily cause proteinuria. The body uses water in the blood to transport proteins and waste products to the kidneys. If there isn’t enough fluid, the kidneys cannot properly filter the blood, leading to proteins ending up in the urine instead of returning to the bloodstream.

High blood pressure – When blood pressure is consistently elevated, it can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, impairing their ability to filter out protein. This can result in protein leakage into the urine. Additionally, certain medications can also cause proteinuria as a side effect.

Diabetes – Diabetes is a metabolic issue that results in elevated blood sugar levels. It comes in various forms, such as type 1 and type 2. Elevated blood sugar in diabetes can harm the kidneys’ blood vessels, leading to protein leakage in urine, which could be an initial sign of diabetic kidney damage.

Glomerulonephritis – Proteinuria is a possible sign of glomerulonephritis, which is the inflammation of the glomeruli. The glomeruli usually filter blood and retain protein, but when they are damaged, protein can escape into the urine.

Kidney diseases – Damaged kidneys can become leaky, allowing proteins to pass into urine. Inflammation and scarring further impair filtration, and glomerular diseases directly affect filtration units, leading to increased protein leakage. Kidney disease disrupts standard filtration, causing proteins in urine.

Autoimmune conditions – Autoimmune conditions like lupus or autoimmune glomerulonephritis also lead to protein in the urine. The immune system attacks the renals, causing inflammation and damage to the filters that remove waste from the blood. Abnormal antibody production can also directly damage the filters, leading to protein in urine.

Preeclampsia – It is a condition in which a pregnant person experiences high blood pressure after 20 weeks of pregnancy. This can affect the kidneys’ capability to filter protein, resulting in protein in urine. Although preeclampsia typically resolves after childbirth, it is a severe condition that may lead to premature birth. 

Urinary tract infections – UTIs can indeed lead to protein in the urine. When a person has a urine infection, bacteria can penetrate the urinary tract and cause inflammation and irritation. This can damage the lining of the urinary tract, allowing the protein to leak into the urine.

How to Identify it? 

In the initial phases of kidney damage, you won’t experience any symptoms as only a small quantity of protein is in your urine. However, as the damage advances, more protein will be excreted in your urine, leading to the possibility of experiencing the mentioned proteinuria symptoms.

  • Frothy or bubbly urine
  • Swollen feet, ankles, or belly
  • Urinating often
  • Puffiness surrounding the eyes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Feeling tired
  • Decreased hunger
  • Nausea and throwing up
  • Nighttime muscle cramps

What is the Average Protein Level? 

Proteinuria occurs when the protein content in your urine exceeds 150 milligrams per day, which is considered the normal range. Laboratories may have slight variations in defining the upper limit of normal. 

It is crucial to consult with a nephrologist who can evaluate the individual’s circumstances and provide appropriate guidance and proteinuria treatment.

Is there a Way to Self-manage Proteinuria?

There are several methods you can incorporate, such as:

  • Reducing your protein consumption
  • Keep your blood sugar in check
  • Keep your blood pressure under control
  • Steer clear of smoking
  • Moderate your alcohol intake
  • Stay at a healthy weight
  • Stay hydrated
  • Take care of chronic conditions

Is Homeopathy a reliable Treatment option? 

Homeopathic treatment for proteinuria is undoubtedly one of the most effective and reliable options. With its holistic approach, homeopathy aims to alleviate the signs and address the root causes of proteinuria. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses solely on suppressing symptoms, homeopathy considers the individual’s unique constitution and aims to restore balance within the body.

Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. These remedies are carefully chosen based on the individual’s specific symptoms, medical history, and overall health. Homoeopathy offers a comprehensive and long-lasting solution by addressing the root cause of the condition. Moreover, homeopathic treatments are known for their gentle nature and lack of side effects, making them a safe choice for people of all ages.

In conclusion, proteinuria homeopathic treatment is an exceptional option due to its holistic approach, individualised remedies, and minimal side effects. By choosing homeopathy, individuals can rely on a treatment that targets the protein in urine symptoms and aims to restore overall health and well-being.

Treatment at Bharat Homeopathy

Are you looking for a reliable solution to treat proteinuria? Look no further than Bharat Homeopathy! Our specialised team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the most effective and natural homeopathic medicine for protein in urine. Say goodbye to worrying about any side effects, as our treatments are entirely safe and gentle on your body.

At Bharat Homeopathy, we understand the importance of finding a treatment that addresses the symptoms and promotes overall well-being. 

Our kidney experts are just a call away, ready to guide you through your personalised protein in urine homeopathic treatment plan. With our expertise and commitment to your health, you can trust that you’re in good hands. Take the first step towards a healthier future, and contact us today.