Understanding liver disease
Liver disease is a broader term that covers all the potential problems that cause significant damage to the organ. These conditions range from viral hepatitis disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) to cirrhosis. Affecting more than 1.5 billion people globally, these conditions have arisen as one of the major health concerns over the past few decades, despite the fact that they are largely manageable.
The most probable reason for you to visit this blog is that you doubt that either you or someone you care for might have liver-related issues. Although we have covered the top five symptoms that might indicate that a person has some kind of liver problem, consulting a doctor can help get accurate information regarding liver health. For this, you can also get in touch with our hepatologist at Bharat Homeopathy and discuss your symptoms with them via online or offline modes.
Top 5 symptoms of liver disease
The liver is a versatile organ with regenerative properties, meaning the organ can fully regenerate itself even after experiencing 90% of the damage. However, if the liver undergoes progressive deterioration for more than six months, it can injure the ability of the organ to regenerate itself, leading to chronic scarring of the liver cells and the development of serious medical issues.
Liver problems often develop silently, with no noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Here are the top five symptoms that may emerge during the moderate stages of liver disease:
Fluid Retention (Ascites)
The simple definition of fluid retention, or ascites, is the build-up of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Most liver diseases significantly impact the blood flow through the organ, creating pressure over portal veins and causing fluid from the organ to leak out into the abdominal space.
- Small amounts of fluid in the abdomen typically do not produce any liver disease symptoms. Moderate amounts may result in an increased waist size and weight gain.
- Large amounts of fluid can also lead to abdominal swelling (distention) and discomfort. The abdomen may feel tight, and the navel may appear flat.
- In some individuals with ascites, the ankles may also swell.
Jaundice, also known as hyperbilirubinemia, causes a yellow color in the skin and eyes due to too much bilirubin in the body. As red blood cells age, the body breaks them down.
When they are destroyed, bilirubin is released and sent to the liver. The organ then turns bilirubin into bile. If the organ isn’t working well, it can’t release bilirubin properly, which causes it to build up and lead to jaundice. So, if bilirubin levels are too high, the liver is not working correctly. Jaundice can be indicated by;
- Yellowing of the skin and eyes
- Skin itching
- Dark or brown urine
- Light or clay-colored stools
- Fever
- Chills
- Stomach pain
- Flu-like symptoms
- Weight loss
Bruises are red and purple spots that appear under the skin. They usually happen when blood vessels get hurt. People with liver problems often get bruises more easily. When someone has liver disease, their liver doesn’t make enough of the protein needed for blood to clot properly. Certain medicines can also cause bruising. If a bruise is painful, you can use an ice pack or a bag. Hold it on the bruise for 20 minutes. You must consult a doctor for further guidance.
Along with bile juice production, the liver also plays an important role in harmonizing the body’s energy. Fatigue, or constantly feeling exhausted, is a common symptom experienced by liver disease patients as certain toxic chemicals build up in the body and impair its physical efficiency.
Tiredness can be caused by inflammation, too. People with liver disease are often at risk of developing other long-term illnesses, like heart disease, diabetes, or sleep issues, which can also make them feel tired. Not sleeping well because of itching, pain, or discomfort can also make you feel worn out. A lack of appetite can add to this tiredness.
People with liver disease are more likely to get bacterial infections than others. Common infections include cellulitis (skin infection in the legs or belly), urinary tract infections, pneumonia, peritonitis (infection in fluid buildup), dental infections, and blood infections (sepsis). Peritonitis and blood infections can be very serious and need immediate care.
Liver problems weaken your immune system. The worse your liver is, the harder it is to fight bacteria. Inflammation in your body also makes it harder to recover from infections.
What to do if you feel you have liver disease?
If you think you may have liver disease and are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, see your doctor right away. They can check your symptoms, do blood tests, and decide if you need more tests like scans or a liver biopsy to find out what’s wrong and start treatment.
As mentioned above, liver disease often doesn’t show signs early on, so it’s important to have periodic monitoring, especially if you have risk factors like drinking a lot of alcohol, being exposed to symptoms of hepatitis, or having a family history of liver disease.
Preserving Liver Health Naturally with Homeopathy
Homeopathy is an age-old system of medicine that is known for its successful treatment methodologies to cure liver diseases naturally. The homeopathic medicine for liver diseases is curated in accordance with the patient’s specific needs. The aim is to stimulate the body’s self-restorative mechanism and treat the disease from its root levels.
Whether it is fatty liver symptoms, fibrosis, or end-stage liver disease, Homeopathy medicines have shown promising results in controlling the progression of damage and managing the symptoms. So, if you have recently been diagnosed with a liver health issue, consult a homeopathic practitioner for holistic healing.
Why choose us?
Bharat Homeopathy is an internationally recognized homeopathic hospital for its quality and safety standards. Our exceptionally skilled hepatologists curate a highly personalized treatment plan catered to the individual requirements of patients to provide them everlasting relief from their liver diseases and symptoms. The medicines we prescribe to our patients are entirely safe and side-effect-free in nature. Sticking with our homeopathic treatment liver disease, can lead to great outcomes and restore normal organ function naturally.
For early diagnosis and expert assistance, reach out to us immediately!