Which treatment is best for vitiligo homeopathy or Ayurveda?

vitiligo treatment

Understand Vitiligo disease?

It is an autoimmune and long-term skin disorder in which there is a loss of pigment in certain areas of the body, leading to white patches on skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for making melanin (the pigment that gives its skin colour), stop working or die. If the disease is not treated in time, it can spread throughout your body. It is linked to autoimmune, genetic or environmental factors. This disease can affect any body part, such as hair, hands, lips, and even mucus membranes. Although it is not contagious or harmful, it can affect a person’s appearance and self-esteem.

Although there are many vitiligo treatment options available across the world, you should know what is the best treatment for vitiligo in india. Which treatment can prove to be best for treating your disease, and which can worsen your disease instead of curing it?

Natural Treatment Option for Vitiligo

Natural remedies for vitiligo focus on reducing the white patches on the body and slowing down the rapid growth of skin cells. Medical research in the field of disease treatment has reached unprecedented heights. Hence, there are many approaches to treating a disease naturally, including vitiligo. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of vitiligo and how well the body responds to medications. While each approach has its own benefits, sometimes choosing a treatment of white patches on skin can be challenging. 

Individuals look for a treatment that is minimally intrusive and effective, involves the natural healing process, and has no negative side effects. Hence, people choose Ayurvedic and homeopathy for white spots on skin as their first choice in search of natural treatment.

Both these treatments will be explained in detail below.

Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo

When someone is suffering from vitiligo, home remedies or Ayurveda are usually used to try to restore health and well-being by identifying the internal and external conditions that disturb the body’s natural balance. Ayurveda is a medical system based on the idea that mental, physical, and spiritual balance is important for overall health and well-being. Diseases occur as a result of imbalances between the above factors. Herbs, vegetables, natural medicines, flowers, etc., are all used in ayurvedic medicine for vitiligo.

Difficulties faced by patients while taking vitiligo Ayurvedic treatment.

  • Some people may experience allergies due to it.
  • Ayurvedic treatment for white spots on skin has contraindications and the possibility of negative results or side effects.
  • Patients are unable to consume ayurvedic medicine for vitiligo, resulting in incomplete treatment and the problem becoming more severe.

Homeopathy treatment for vitiligo

Homeopathy is undoubtedly the most reliable option for cure for white spots on skin. Homeopathy is an alternative and side effect-free medicine system based on the notion of “like cures like”. In simple terms, something that causes signs & symptoms in a healthy person can cure an unhealthy person with similar signs. This helps to stimulate the body’s natural defence system. The other two fundamental principles of homeopathic medicine are “minimum dose” and “single remedy”. 

The minimum dose principle is based on the notion that a small ball-sized medicine should stimulate the body’s natural healing process. Therefore, the patient is given the minimum amount of medicine required to initiate a healing response and get a permanent solution to white marks on skin. Since each patient gets personalised vitiligo homeopathic treatment all the conditions of the disease – mental, emotional and physical – can be treated with a single medicine. Homeopathy treats vitiligo patches using natural herbs, very diluted substances, often in the form of small ball sized tablets or liquids. 

Homeopathy or Ayurveda which is better for vitiligo.


  • People run away from side effects due to natural treatment and choose homoeopathy and Ayurveda in pursuit of natural treatment. It is generally considered safe, as they depend on natural medicines. Since they are diluted to a great extent, homeopathic medicines do not have any adverse side effects. However, there is a possibility that ayurvedic medicine for white spots on skin will cause negative effects like allergies. And do not suit every person. Due to this, people may face problems.

Treatment Focus: 

  • Ayurvedic vitiligo treatment focuses on preventing the disease by maintaining the right balance between the three doshas. Homeopathy is the best treatment for vitiligo by stimulating the immune system through exposure to signs & symptom-causing substances, thereby strengthening the body’s resistance to the disorder. The aim of homeopathic treatment and strategies is to treat the disorder from root causes.


  • Both methods treat the problems using natural substances, and both are made using natural things. It is difficult to consume the extremely bitter-tasting decoction given as ayurvedic medicine for white patches on skin. On the other hand, it is really simple for the patient to consume homeopathic medicine for vitiligo due to the sweet nature of the tablets. It can be easily consumed by anyone, from an elderly person to vitiligo in children.


  • The treatment method used by Ayurveda usually takes a long time and may not be effective for treating diseases like vitiligo. In contrast, homeopathic medicine is highly efficient as it aims to stimulate the body’s own healing capacity so that it can treat the disease in an effective way.

The selection of the most appropriate medical treatment is influenced by several factors, such as the type of disease, its severity and some individual conditions. Treatment of psoriasis by homeopathy provides an effective and safe homeopathic remedy for vitiligo by strengthening the body’s immune system. It is based on the fundamental idea that the body can heal any disease on its own. No pre-conditions are required to start homeopathic treatment for white spots on skin. If someone is diagnosed with vitiligo and has tried several treatments without any results, he can approach a homeopath.

Successful treatment of vitiligo at Bharat Homeopathy Clinic

If you are a vitiligo sufferer and want a Permanent Vitiligo Cure with Homeopathy then Bharat Homeopathy Hospital is the best option for you. When patients come to Bharat Homeopathy Clinic for treatment of their disease, our doctors take complete information from them about their previous treatments. So that the root cause of their disease can be known and the real cause of the disease can be understood; this is the most special thing about our Bharat Homeopathy Clinic. The skin doctors of the hospital start the treatment of vitiligo only after knowing the medical history of the patient. Doctors take follow-ups regularly from time to time. 

They give patients a better diet plan and side-effect-free homoeopathic medicine for vitiligo; this homeopathic medicine for vitiligo is customised with all the symptoms of the patient kept in mind because the root cause and symptoms of the disease of all patients are different. After completing vitiligo treatment naturally and following the prescribed rules properly, they feel relief from their disease. And the patients can get back to their daily routines in a healthy way.