Effective Home Remedies for Treating Scalp Psoriasis 

Effective Home Remedies for Treating Scalp Psoriasis 
Effective Home Remedies for Treating Scalp Psoriasis 

Can scalp psoriasis damage hair?

It is completely natural for your scalp and hair to weaken with age. As the body produces less collagen, a protein essential for hair strength and elasticity, this leads to thinner and more brittle strands over time. This weakening is a normal aspect of the ageing process. However, patients with an autoimmune condition known as scalp psoriasis can face additional challenges related to scalp and hair health at an early age. 

They may experience issues such as excessive hair loss, thinning hair strands, and a dry scalp more early than others. Also, one of the major complications related to the condition is severe itching near the scalp region due to psoriasis flare-ups. In addition, with an appropriate medical treatment plan, there are certain home remedies that can surely provide a measure of relief from scalp psoriasis symptoms

So, you don’t have to fight the urge to scratch your head due to psoriasis itch anymore with these natural remedies. Additionally, we have mentioned the most effective habits for taking care of your hair and scalp. Continue reading to learn about the remedies and tips. 


5 Highly Effective Home Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

Before informing the patients about home remedies, we would like to mention that they should consult a dermatologist prior to trying. Be mindful about your allergies and avoid the usage of such ingredients. The best thing to do is conduct a patch test. Apply a given remedy to a small section of your scalp or maybe your hands for a few days and monitor for any rashes or adverse reactions.

  1. Coconut oil: If it’s about home remedies related to scalp issues, how can coconut oil not be a part of the list? Due to its moisturising and soothing properties, coconut oil is one of the most suitable ingredients. Massaging your scalp for at least 3 days a week with this oil can be helpful in minimising the dryness of the scalp caused by psoriasis. For best results, heat the oil a little. 
  2. Dead Sea salt: You might be quite surprised by seeing the name of this ingredient and thinking, wait, can I use Dead Sea salt on my scalp? Well, dead sea salt actually offers numerous benefits. Dissolving a small amount of this ingredient in water and massaging the scalp gently with it can be beneficial in exfoliating the surface. It can also help in fighting other issues like dandruff. 
  3. Aloe vera: Using pure aloe vera on your scalp at least twice a week can keep it hydrated, which can help manage itchy white spots on scalp and irritation. It can also help in reducing scaling. Gently apply the gel directly on your scalp and let it be for at least 10 to 20 minutes for optimal results. 
  4. Baking soda: While this ingredient can be beneficial in keeping the scalp clean, patients must always use it in moderation to avoid irritation or other scalp problems. Take a glass full of water and add approximately 10 to 14 grams of baking soda to it. You can apply this solution to your scalp using a cotton ball or maybe a cotton cloth. Wash it after 10 mins. 
  5. Apple Cider vinegar: Made up of fermented apples, yeast, and sugar, this ingredient can help fight the itch associated with the condition. Apply it only after diluting it with water.  Be cautious when applying apple cider vinegar to open wounds, as it may cause a burning sensation.


Hair care tips to manage scalp psoriasis

Implementing the following hair care tips and following them with consistency can surely benefit patients in getting the most out of the medical treatment they are taking and maintaining healthy hair.

  • No scratching: If the itchy white spots on scalp are too much irritating and out of your control, try calming it by applying coconut oil or any other home remedy mentioned above. Scratching can lead to the exacerbation of wounds that might affect more areas of the scalp and might also result in bleeding.
  • Maintain hair hygiene: Wash your hair at least 2 to 3 times weekly. Be gentle, use soft hands while washing, and do not rub or scrub too hard. It is good to opt for lukewarm water for washing purposes. 
  • Do not use blow dryers: Using a blow dryer after hair wash can cause drying and discomfort in the scalp. You can sit in the sunlight for a while. Along with naturally vaporising all the wetness of your hair, being in sunlight can also be beneficial in maintaining optimum vitamin D levels. 
  • Avoid tight hairstyles:  Opting for tight hairstyles such as high ponytails, braids, and tight plates can increase the level of irritation. Patients must prefer short haircuts or tie their hair loosely.

While these tips and scalp psoriasis cure home remedies can offer short-term benefits, as we have also mentioned multiple times before, they are not a substitute for medical treatment. Yes, they can be beneficial along with a treatment. 

Now that we have shared the most effective natural remedies for psoriasis let’s discuss the available treatment options. This will enhance your understanding of medical care for psoriasis and assist you in selecting the best treatment plan. So, let’s explore the treatment options together.


How to get rid of psoriasis disease? 

Allopathy can be quite effective in managing scalp psoriasis symptoms with the help of steroidal drugs. But is it safe to use such high dosage and toxic medications merely to relieve symptoms like itch and flare-ups? We are saying so because these medications only have a short-term effect, and patients need to take them throughout their lives. These allopathic medications can also result in a number of additional side effects affecting the overall health of patients. 

Homeopathy, on the other hand, is a renowned alternative medicine system known for offering gentle and natural scalp psoriasis treatment. These treatments are specifically tailored according to the symptoms and general health of the patient. They naturally stimulate the immune system of the body and treat the cause of scalp psoriasis. This helps in regulating the immune response, thus slowing down the condition’s progression. Therefore, in cases of scalp psoriasis, there is a significant improvement, along with the reduction of redness, inflammation, and scales on the scalp.


Bharat Homeopathy Psoriasis Care

At Bharat Homeopathy, you can consult top-rated homeopathic skin specialists about your condition. They have years of experience in providing long-term relief to patients from a number of skin-related disorders.  Along with prescribing the most suitable homeopathic medicine for psoriasis after completely analysing each and every patient individually, the doctors of Bharat Homeopathy also create a customised diet plan tailored to the needs of patients. The hospital has gained enormous success due to its natural and side-effect-free treatment approaches. If you are in search of a natural scalp psoriasis treatment do not delay in consulting the hospital authorities.