How is homeopathy the best treatment for asthma?


Homeopathy medicine for asthma prevention

Asthma is a long-term lung disorder that creates breathing difficulties in patients. Symptoms like coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, narrowing of airways and chest tightness accompany the disorder. The intensity of these symptoms of asthma might vary and fluctuate with time. Homeopathy has become popular over the years for the treatment of chronic disorders like asthma. In this traditional approach, the selection of the remedy is based on the patient and their individual symptoms. Therefore, various asthma patients could end up with different remedies that match their unique symptom profiles. This methodology has proven to be effective for a number of patients.  Today, with the medium of the blog, we would like to discuss the efficacy of homeopathic remedies in treating breathing-associated disorders, specifically asthma. Continue reading to know more about this topic. 

Homeopathy for chronic asthma

Homeopathy offers a complementary form of medicine for the treatment of a variety of ailments. The basic principle behind the healing medical system is “curing like with like”.  It involves high dilution of the medicines (potentisation), which, under normal circumstances, may or may not cause symptoms, with the aim of enhancing the body’s innate healing mechanisms in response to an issue. The best way to manage this lung disorder is to be consistent with medications and avoid asthma triggering factors. Homeopathic medications can be prescribed to individuals based on their unique symptoms, which also help manage asthma triggers such as pollen and allergies. Let us have a look at the benefits of opting for a homeopathic treatment for asthma
  1. Homeopathic treatment effectively manages the acute symptoms of asthma, such as difficulty breathing, cough, and fever, in a safe and gentle manner.
  2. One of the notable benefits of homeopathy is its ability to address the underlying allergic conditions that often trigger the development of asthma. This holistic approach aims to cure the root causes, reducing the likelihood of asthma recurrence.
  3. Additionally, homeopathy remedies for asthma are renowned for their safety and gentleness, as they do not produce any side effects commonly associated with conventional treatments.
So, this was a brief about the significance and success of homeopathic remedies in treating asthma. We shall now compare homeopathy and other medical systems to better understand their treatment options for asthma. 

Which treatment is best for asthma homeopathy or allopathy?

S.NO.             Allopathy               Homeopathy 
1. Allopathy aims to offer immediate relief to patients by utilising medications for their cure. Homeopathy, on the other hand, focuses on enhancing the body’s overall function and health through healing and transformation.
2. It is described as a “double-edged sword” due to the heavy dependence on drug-based asthma medications. Homeopathy is known for its noninvasive treatment approach, often involving the administration of small doses of medicine to patients.
3. Allopathy can elevate the pain or suffering, often within a few hours. Homeopathic practitioners work on the causative factors behind an ailment. Unlike Allopathy, homeopathy prescribes medications for an asthma attack that do not harm the immune system while treating.
4. Allopathic medicines can lead to potential side effects affecting overall bodily functions. Homeopathy is safe for the body and effective in treating both current and past ailments.

Ayurveda vs Homeopathy for Treatment of Asthma 

S.NO.             Ayurveda               Homeopathy 
1. Ayurveda harmonises the body’s natural energies—the doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha—for overall health and harmony. Homeopathy adheres to the principle of “like cures like,” which indicates that a substance capable of inducing symptoms in a healthy individual can effectively treat similar symptoms in a sick person.
2. It employs diet, herbal remedies and yoga.   It treats diseases by utilising highly diluted natural substances, along with dietary changes and lifestyle modifications, to sustain balance and health.
3. The approach emphasises prevention, detoxification, and the maintenance of balance within the body. The approach aims to stimulate the body’s innate healing response through the administration of minute doses.
4. Believes that illness stems from an imbalance of the three doshas. It declares that illness is a result of an imbalance in the body’s vital force.
From the above comparisons, we can conclude that Allopathy can offer instant and quick relief from asthma symptoms. However, the allopathic medical system fails to address the causative factors behind the condition, and consequently, allopathic medicines can only be considered as short-term cures. Ayurveda is an age-old science that offers effective remedies for curing seasonal asthma attacks. However, ayurvedic medicines are not suitable for all. As they are made up of herbal resources, they have the tendency to cause allergic reactions in patients. These remedies can also lead to drowsiness and stomach discomfort. Homeopathy offers the best way to treat asthma.  In homeopathy, the focus of diagnosis is on understanding the altered vital force and the symptoms of the disease rather than identifying the specific disease itself. This approach evaluates symptoms across the mental, emotional, and physical planes.  A remedy is then chosen that can elicit similar symptoms in healthy individuals, thereby stimulating the vital force and defence mechanisms and triggering the body’s healing response. Asthma management strategies are also tailored to consider the patient’s sensitivities, temperament, and genetic predispositions. Single doses of remedies are administered individually, with progress closely monitored.

Bharat Homeopathy – India’s leading Homeopathic clinic for breathing Disorders

Bharat Homeopathy is a well-known clinic that offers relief from breathing disorders like asthma, wheezing,  and COPD. Our asthma prevention strategies are methodically prepared after a thorough examination of every aspect of the patient, such as age, employment, past diseases, and the unique living situations that influence that person. This comprehensive understanding is also addressed while treating long-term diseases. At Bharat Homeopathy, we understand the complexity of asthma and the vital need for treatment without compromising safety. Our experienced homeopathic practitioners implement the most effective procedures that are tailored to each patient’s specific needs, with the objective of attaining long-term control of asthma and improving quality of life.