What happens if psoriasis goes untreated?

What happens if psoriasis goes untreated?

Untreated Psoriasis: Challenges and Complications

Seeking proper medical treatment is not an option but a compulsion for patients with any type of psoriasis. If psoriasis goes untreated, it can lead to many health complications, such as psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and, most importantly, severe psychological stress. Bharat Homeopathy is one of India’s leading homeopathic hospitals offering natural treatment for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a long-term skin-related medical issue characterised by the formation of inflamed and scaly patches on the body. The disease occurs due to an overactive immune system, which leads to excessive skin cell production. These extra skin cells accumulate over the body’s surface. The condition can cause both shorter complications affecting patients’ daily lives and long-term health concerns that might severely impact patients’ health. 

Today, with the medium of this blog, we would like to mention both types of concerns and discuss the importance of adopting a proper medical treatment for the condition. We will also mention effective strategies to achieve relief from the symptoms of skin psoriasis. So, continue reading to the end to gain more insights about the topic.

Daily Life Troubles Associated with Psoriasis

Psoriasis patches can cause itchiness and flare-ups. However, patients must not itch over those patches; otherwise, it can adversely impact the condition and even cause psoriasis spread. The condition can also affect the nails. Below, we are mentioning some direct and indirect challenges associated with the condition; 

  • Itch: Psoriasis leads to itchy, painful plaques that can cause psoriasis flare-ups, cracks, and bleeding. On lighter skin, the plaques may appear red, while on medium skin tones, they can look coral or salmon, and on darker skin tones, they may appear dark brown or purplish.
  • Nail Issues: Nails affected by psoriasis may become pitted, cracked, crumbly, or discoloured. They may also lift or detach from the nail bed. Patients must adopt a proper nail psoriasis treatment to prevent this from happening. 
  • Sleep: Peaceful sleep is a basic necessity for every living being. However, for some psoriasis patients, it’s a dream, as the patches can cause severe discomfort and itchy sensations in the night, resulting in sleep disturbances.
  • Work and school: Signs and symptoms of psoriasis can make it difficult for patients to go to work or school, significantly decreasing their productivity levels. Patients can also experience social stigma and ignorance by people at their workplace or school. 
  • Personal relationships: Psoriasis can affect relationships by causing anxiety about one’s appearance and a decrease in romantic feelings. It can also lead to low self-esteem, being judged or treated unfairly, and feeling isolated, making it hard for individuals to form or maintain relationships and go on dates. 
  • Enjoyment of life: The condition may create difficulties for patients in pursuing their hobbies, being a part of social gatherings and affecting their happiness in life. 

That is why it is necessary for patients to receive proper medical treatment for this condition. Solely focusing on symptom management is not a correct approach. A treatment plan must focus on addressing the underlying imbalances present in the body that lead to the development of the condition in the first place. Otherwise the condition can result in long term health concerns, a few of them are discussed below. 

What serious health issues can arise if psoriasis goes untreated? 

Psoriasis can be linked with development of some serious health concerns. It can impact the well-being of our joints, heart, eyes, and cause infectious medical issues. 

  • Psoriatic arthritis:

It is one of the most common complications that arise due to the condition. In psoriatic arthritis, patients experience inflammation, pain and stiffness in the joints. It also affects the region where tendons and ligaments connect with the bones. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, approximately 30 to 34 percent of people affected with psoriasis face psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

  • Cardiovascular disease: 

Cardiovascular risk factors are often overlooked and inadequately treated in patients with psoriasis. While there is no consensus among clinicians and researchers regarding the effects of systemic treatments for psoriasis on vascular inflammation and coronary disease, the prevailing hypothesis suggests that reducing both psoriatic and systemic inflammation could, in turn, lower the associated risks. 

  • Metabolic syndrome: 

The prevalence of metabolic syndrome, a complex disorder defined by a combination of various conditions that elevate the risk of cardiovascular disease, ranges from 20% to 50% among patients with psoriasis and increases with the severity of psoriasis.

  • Infection: 

Individuals with psoriasis face an increased risk of developing severe infections, such as respiratory infections, skin infections, sepsis, urinary tract infections, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. This risk is notably higher in those with moderate-to-severe psoriasis.

  • Eye problems:

Psoriasis can lead to eye-related health concerns, including uveitis. Research indicates that 8–20% of individuals with psoriasis experience uveitis. Those with psoriasis may also be more prone to other eye conditions, such as conjunctivitis and dry eye. So, it becomes important for the patients to take care of their eyes. 

  • Type 2 diabetes: 

Psoriatic disease increases your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. If you suffer from severe psoriasis, your risk of diabetes rises by 30%. Individuals with psoriatic arthritis, particularly women, are more likely to have diabetes compared to those without psoriatic disease. Chronic inflammation is likely a contributing factor, as both psoriatic disease and diabetes are associated with inflammation throughout the body.

So, it is necessary for the patients to receive timely and suitable medical treatment for their condition. The treatment strategy might include psoriasis diet and lifestyle modifications too. Patients need to be consistent and adhere to their doctor’s guidelines. 

Which Treatment is Better for Psoriasis Homeopathy or Ayurvedic?

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis focuses on preventing the condition by maintaining a proper balance among the three doshas. Homeopathic treatment plans are designed to work on the causative factors behind the occurrence of the condition in the first place. The goal of the treatment is to minimise the chances of recurrence of the condition. Although Homeopathy, as well as Ayurveda, is considered to be safe compared to conventional medications, there are significant differences in their treatment approaches, which are mentioned below; 

  • Individualised care: Homeopathy treats each patient uniquely. Remedies are selected based on the unique symptoms observed in each patient. Ayurveda use the same set of remedies to balance the affected doshas for every patient lacking a personalised approach. 
  • Long-term relief: Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis aims to manage it in the long term. It focuses on alleviating symptoms and preventing flare-ups. Patients might experience relief from the itchiness and psoriasis flare-ups for a short time with ayurvedic medicine. However, they are not considered to be beneficial in the long term and fail to cure the disease from its roots. 
  • Holistic approach: Homeopathic treatments for psoriasis follow a comprehensive strategy. Homoeopathic practitioners treat the person as a whole rather than merely focusing on treating symptoms. Ayurvedic doctors might help only with symptom management. 

So, ayurvedic remedies might be beneficial as a preventive measure to manage the condition. However, ayurvedic medicines fail to offer complete and permanent relief. On the other hand, homeopathy is the most effective treatment approach to cure the condition without any side effects. However, consulting with a homeopathic professional is crucial for the best outcome.

Are you looking for a trusted skin specialist to overcome your condition? Bharat Homeopathy has a team of experienced and highly skilled skin specialists who are dedicated to personalised care. With patience, compassion, and a holistic approach to health, individuals can harness the effectiveness of Bharat Homeopathy’s treatment approach on their journey to achieving clearer, healthier skin. Contact us today for more information.