Is homeopathy the new alternate medicine?

homeopathy medicine
homeopathy medicine

Homeopathy is often regarded as the most excellent option for safe and effective therapy because it has no side effects or aftereffects; unlike allopathic medicine, it concentrates on the recovery of the sickness or ailment, unlike Ayurveda, which requires numerous sessions to be effective. Even though they all work to eradicate the disease’s primary cause, homeopathy heals quickly and gets rid of other root issues to make people fit and healthy.

People often overlook their health and fitness in today’s hectic lifestyle and routines, filled with deadlines and goals. It disturbs daily living and causes illnesses. Knowledge of various forms of medical therapy is crucial in such stressful circumstances. Each person uniquely responds to various treatments, depending on symptoms and heredity. Advancements in medical sciences offer a wide range of possibilities for medical treatments. Due to their quick turnaround times, allopathic drugs have been used for medical treatments for a long time. Allopathic medications can have serious side effects, sometimes leading to a distinct disease, although beneficial. People are now gravitating slightly more toward alternative therapies as a result. Ayurveda and homeopathy are two of the most widely used alternative medical treatments. 

What is allopathy and its various flaws?

“Allopathic Medicine” refers to what is typically thought of as modern medicine. Allopathic medical practitioners frequently use evidence-based strategies to treat patients’ illnesses. It implies that they try to follow recommendations in the most recent literature and may ask for diagnostic tests. Despite going through extensive clinical testing and approval procedures, allopathic medicines or treatments are not necessarily risk-free.

Various risks include:-

  • Harmful Consequences:- When a person’s medication reacts with the food or supplements consumed, deadly consequences may result
  • Unexpected results: Sometimes, the drug behaves differently than the doctor had anticipated
  • Allergic response: Before taking a drug-based medicine, a person may not be aware of a particular chemical to which they are allergic.

This is where a treatment free of harmful chemicals and side effects can help.

Indian Medicinal System

The above situation is helped by the Indian school of medicine, which is well-known internationally for its use of natural treatments, including herbs, trees, etc. However, the sole reason behind these becoming increasingly popular among other civilizations is their emphasis on the style of living rather than on medicines and therapies. Nevertheless, as one of the oldest medicinal systems, it has been mentioned in ancient texts like Vedas and other scriptures. 

Medicinal herbs and the Healthcare system

A vast collection of medicinal plants utilized in conventional medical treatments can be found on the Indian subcontinent. While only medicinal plants are used to make herbal pharmaceuticals, alternative medicines in traditional systems are made from herbs, minerals, and organic matter. Plants have long been used as a source of medicine in India, where they play a vital role in the nation’s healthcare system. Around 70% of the rural population uses the traditional (Ayurvedic + Homeopathic) medical system. Most healers and practitioners of traditional methods of medicine make their formulations and provide them to patients.

Differences between the philosophies:- Ayurveda and Homeopathy

The theory of Ayurveda holds that the balance of the three essential substances; wind, bile, and phlegm; determines the health of the human body. Any imbalance between these constituents causes diseases. Whereas; the “vitalist” principle is adhered to in homeopathy. This theory holds that the “vital force” is disturbed by various internal and external factors which affect a person’s health. Along with a person’s physical health, homeopaths also consider their psychological state. Homeopathy is a “laws of similars”-based approach to treatment; therefore, to cure a patient of their illness, one must administer medications that cause the same symptoms as the illness.

Homeopathy: The trending alternate medicinal system

Homeopathy has been acknowledged as one of the National Systems of Medicine and contributes significantly to healthcare delivery to a sizeable population. It is widely acknowledged in India as a successful treatment for the most severe illnesses. According to the Indian government, more than 100 million individuals in India, or 10% of the total population, rely entirely on homeopathy for their medical needs. The country has more registered homeopathic doctors than any other country worldwide—nearly a quarter of a million. As a result, “natural remedies” are treated on par with scientific ones in a permissive medical society. After ayurveda and modern medicine, homeopathy has the third-largest government-supported infrastructure in India’s public health system.

Why is homeopathy increasingly becoming popular?

Being a conventional healthcare system, homeopathic services are widely available and cheaper. Additionally, there are no adverse side effects, and many patients can be treated with a small amount of medication. “Homoeopathy has a biological effect, and all homeopathic drugs are therapeutically proved,” says the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s advisor. As an alternative to contemporary medications, homeopathy offers patients choices. Allopathy is preferable in emergency conditions, while homeopathy may be preferable if you have stomach issues. People are free to select what they want.

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Ayurveda and why it’s failing?

Ayurveda is a science of life that emphasizes customized healing and a holistic approach to health. It is one of the earliest medical systems and has many medicinal theories. Untreatable by contemporary medicine, many chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and asthma can be treated by ayurveda. Unfortunately, this priceless inheritance from our forefathers is lagging because numerous notions need more scientific confirmation. Therefore, for Ayurveda to be recognized and accepted globally, evidence-based research is essential, and research methodology needs to be improved.

 Reasons Ayurveda losing essence over Homeopathy

Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on treating that specific bodily part. Homeopathy, however, is said to be entirely harmless because it does not affect the body in any other manner and instead aids in examining current conditions and past illnesses with the correct dosage schedule. Homeopathic treatment is comprehensive and personalized. The combination of homeopathic medications depends on the patient’s response to the infection, the severity of the sickness, and the way the case presents itself clinically.


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