Tips to manage Psoriatic Arthritis

Tips to manage Psoriatic Arthritis
Tips to manage Psoriatic Arthritis

Guidance for Effectively Managing Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is basically a type of arthritis that affects certain patients with psoriasis, a skin condition characterised by the formation of red patches covered with silvery scales. Most people develop psoriasis years before being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis; however, in some cases, joint issues may emerge before the skin lesions appear or simultaneously with them. 

Patients who develop psoriatic arthritis have to deal with chronic pain physically on a daily basis. That is why dealing with psoriatic arthritis symptoms can be challenging for patients. However, executing effective management strategies can lead to significant improvements. 

Here, we present the most valuable advice on managing the condition and ultimately feeling better day by day. Please note that this guidance is not a substitute for medical care. Seeking a proper doctor’s advice is inevitable for the condition. 

How Psoriatic Arthritis Affects the Body?

Psoriatic arthritis is a progressive inflammatory condition that affects the body by causing joint pain, immobility, and swelling as well as other symptoms include: 

  • How does it affect the joints?

You might experience discomfort like pain, stiffness, and swelling in your joints, including those fingertips and your spine. This condition can also be a reason behind developing enthesitis, which is when you feel inflammation at the points where tendons and ligaments (fibrous connective tissues)  attach to your bones. 

  • How does it affect the skin? 

Sometimes, a skin rash may show up alongside joint symptoms, or it could appear before or after them. This rash can be tricky to spot, as it might be tucked away in places like the scalp psoriasis, navel, or skin folds. 

  • How does it affect the nails? 

Nail conditions can include issues like pitting, crumbling, or discolouration. Your nails’ health is important, and recognising these symptoms can help you take better care of them by seeking appropriate nail psoriasis treatment

Other symptoms of psa arthritis

Feeling extremely tired, experiencing unexpected weight loss, dealing with itchy skin, or noticing swelling in your legs, ankles, feet, or belly can be quite concerning.

Psoriatic arthritis causes chronic pain that affects the body and the brain and can interfere with every aspect of the patient’s day-to-day life. Below, we have mentioned some proven methodologies for short-term pain management.

How to Achieve a Natural Relief for Psoriatic Arthritis Pain?

Applying ice packs or soaking in mild, warm water can help relieve pain. Massaging and seeking proper support during the day can also help manage psoriatic arthritis pain

1. Cold therapy to minimise the swelling

Apply an ice pack covered in a piece of cloth or an ice pack to inflamed joints for approximately 10–15 minutes to reduce swelling and numb the pain. Do not apply this cold therapy technique to the affected areas for more than 15 minutes. You can also use a bag of frozen vegetables for the same. 

2. Give your pain some warmth: 

Consider soaking yourself in a warm bath or using a heating pad on the affected joints. Applying heat can help minimise swelling and improve the blood circulation process. However, it is advisable to avoid the usage of excessive hot water, as this may lead to skin dryness and exacerbate psoriasis rashes. When bathing, you might contemplate the addition of oatmeal or Dead Sea salts to alleviate itchiness and inflammation of the skin.

3. Massage for full-body pain relief: 

Massage is the practice of working on the outer layers of muscles and tissues to help them function better, improve blood flow, and encourage relaxation.

Different types of bodywork can help with short-term pain relief from symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. For stress relief and relaxation, you can try a full-body massage. A deep tissue massage focuses on deeper muscles to ease tight spots. It can also help in reducing the tension between the connective tissues.

4. Assistive Devices  

Patients can use a variety of tools and gadgets to minimise the stress on their joints, thereby enhancing their comfort and ease in performing daily tasks. For example;

  • They can grab bars 
  • Using canes  instead of heavy water bottles
  • Use  extra-thick pens  
  • Use a stick to walk and sit comfortably

Lifestyle Habits to minimise Psoriatic Arthritis discomfort 

Participating in certain physical activities and making dietary changes can also benefit patients. However, patients must also regularly follow up with their doctors. 

1. Exercise in limits:

Never let the things you cannot do stop you from doing what you can. The stiffness and discomfort caused by psoriatic arthritis can make it tough for patients to participate in physical activities. However,  being completely physically inactive can worsen the symptoms and cause muscle weakness. 

Low-impact activities like walking and cycling are beneficial for the spine and enhance endurance. Practising yoga under expert guidance can also improve strength while minimising pressure on joints and the spine.

2. Include anti-inflammatory foods in your diet; 

  • Fill your plate with fresh and organic fruits,  green vegetables, and whole grains. 
  • Eat lean meats and poultry, as they are a good source of omega fatty acids.
  • Choose healthy proteins that are easy to digest, like beans and nuts.

3. Foods to Avoid that Cause Inflammation;

  • Processed foods
  • Fried foods
  • Soda and sugary drinks
  • Processed oils, trans fats, and hydrogenated oils
  •  Processed meats
  • Dairy products. ( Opt for completely fat-free dairy products) 
  • Vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers

4. Regular Check-Ups:

Remember to consult with your doctor regularly. Inform them about any new symptoms or complications that have arisen. This will help them monitor the progression of your health and make necessary adjustments to your psoriatic arthritis treatment.

These were the most effective tips for self-management of psoriatic arthritis. However, as we also mentioned before, proper medical treatment is compulsory for patients. Allopathic treatment options can be complicated for patients to adjust to. They involve harmful surgical procedures in severe stages and the usage of side-effect-causing drugs. Considering these factors, homeopathy appears as a far better option to treat psoriatic arthritis. 

Can psoriatic arthritis be cured in homeopathy?

Homeopathic treatment is generally considered safe for managing psoriatic arthritis. In fact, the treatment not only helps in attaining relief but also minimises the chances of recurrence of the issue. Homeopathic medicines for psoriatic arthritis have also contributed to improving the quality of life by relieving the pain of individuals suffering from this condition. These natural remedies have notable efficacy and positively affect various tissues and organs in the body. It is important to consult a skilled homoeopathic doctor for psoriasis for a thorough examination to achieve optimal results.

Bharat Homeopathy: Your Partner in Healing  

Bharat Homeopathy has been recognised as India’s leading hospital in achieving the best homeo medicine for psoriatic arthritis. The doctors implement a customised methodology to prescribe safe and gentle medicines by completely analysing each and every patient. In fact, the doctors at Bharat Homeopathy understand the importance of diet and lifestyle in gaining a fast recovery from the condition. That is why their treatment procedures also include recommending a proper diet plan to the patients. 

With enormous success and unbelievable results in curing psoriatic arthritis for a number of patients, you can surely trust Bharat homeopathy to attain relief from your condition. For more inquiries about how to achieve a cure for psoriatic arthritis, contact us today.