Myths and Misconceptions – Vitiligo

Myths and Misconceptions - Vitiligo
Myths and Misconceptions - Vitiligo

Understanding Vitiligo: Myths & facts

Vitiligo is a severe skin disease that has many causes, including hyperactive autoimmune, environmental causes, and genetic factors, but people have many misconceptions about this disease. Most people are not aware of this disease, and some people often suffer silently due to incomplete information.

In vitiligo, the melanocytes that produce melanin, which gives colour to our skin, are destroyed, affecting the skin colour. As a result, your skin starts losing colour, and white spots start appearing anywhere on the skin or all over the body, although they are small in the beginning and keep increasing in the absence of treatment.

You should have complete information about the disease to eliminate your Vitiligo myths and facts.

Myths and Misconceptions about vitiligo

These are some vitiligo facts and people’s misconceptions about this disease.

  • Myth:  Vitiligo Goes Away Without Treatment.

Fact: People think that these are small spots and will go away on their own, but if left untreated, the white spots grow in size and scratching may result in the formation of wounds around the affected area. Instead of waiting for it to go away on its own, you should opt for a vitiligo treatment naturally that can eliminate the disease in its initial stages.

  • Myth: Vitiligo is an infectious disease.

Fact: Vitiligo cannot spread from one person to another as it is a non-infectious skin disorder. Rather, you need to know that it is an autoimmune disease that cannot spread from one body to another; it does not spread through sexual activity, breathing, sharing personal items like towels and water bottles, physical touch or saliva. Since vitiligo resembles leprosy, which is an infectious disease that also causes white patches on the skin due to hypopigmentation, many people think that it is infectious. Leprosy and vitiligo are two different diseases, so do not be afraid of other people suffering from vitiligo. However, you should also understand those victims of this misconception and that it can spread by touching each other.

  • Myth: There is no cure or treatment for vitiligo.

Fact: However, this is not the case, as there are many treatments available across the world, including allopathy, ayurveda, and homeopathy, among others. However, it depends on the patient which treatment he or she chooses. Medical treatments for vitiligo can help restore skin pigmentation and stop the spread of vitiligo. During the treatment process, it is important to treat the treated area with sensitive care. However, with the right treatment and care, the disease can be successfully cured.

  • Myth: Vitiligo occurs only in people with dark skin.

Fact: People think that vitiligo occurs only in people with dark skin. The truth is that vitiligo can occur in people with any skin colour. Yes, it can be said that for people who have the problem of vitiligo and whose skin is dark, spots are more visible on their skin. Apart from this, this disease can also occur in people with fair skin; due to their fair skin, white spots on their bodies are less visible than those of dark people.

  • Myth: Vitiligo only affects the hands and face

Fact: Vitiligo can affect your entire body, with the hands, arms, lips, legs, and face being the most commonly affected skin areas. It can also appear in less visible areas such as the nasal passages, mucosal membranes, armpits, rectal area, and even the vitiligo around eyes (retina of the eyes). Hair can also turn white in areas affected by vitiligo. However, sunlight aggravates vitiligo, which can greatly increase the patches on your visible body parts, as the hands and legs are most visible, leading people to think that vitiligo only affects the hands and legs.

  • Myth: There is no natural way to cure vitiligo.

Fact: Although people also adopt Vitiligo treatment at home by using home remedies to reduce the symptoms of vitiligo, vitiligo can not only be cured but also eradicated from the root by natural methods, for which homeopathy comes as the number 1 position for the treatment of vitiligo, in which no side effects of any kind are seen, 100% natural and far away from surgery.

We hope that all your misconceptions have been solved and that you understand why getting Vitiligo treated on time is important. This is a disease that you may have to suffer from for the rest of your life if you do not get the right treatment. That is why you are advised to adopt a better treatment like homeopathy. 

Why homeopathy treatment is best for vitiligo 

  • Non-invasive: Homeopathy is a non-invasive method of vitiligo management. It is a process that does not require surgical intervention.
  • Holistic approach: Homeopathy treats the whole person rather than addressing only the symptoms of vitiligo. That is, it addresses the common and root problems that cause vitiligo.
  • Minimal side effects: Homeopathic medicine for vitiligo is generally considered safe and has very few side effects as it is prepared using natural substances in a highly diluted form. Thus, it is one of the safer alternatives to medications or surgical interventions.
  • Personalised Treatment: Homeopathy tailors the treatment for white spots on skin to each patient as per the individual’s needs so that the root cause of vitiligo and any contributing factors can be effectively addressed. This personalisation makes the treatment more effective. 


Bharat Homeopathy hospital for vitiligo

With the treatment of Bharat Homeopathy, white spots can be treated effectively. Many such patients have been completely cured of this disease today after getting successful treatment from here; if you want, you can know the story of the recovery of our vitiligo patient through our YouTube channel, in which the patient tells how he started successful treatment from here and how serious the condition was, yet the treatment here was effective for him, where he had given up hope of complete recovery, the safe effect of the medicines here showed him a complete cure.

Since homeopathic home remedies for vitiligo are derived from natural ingredients, they are safe and non-toxic. Bharat Homeopathic’s vitiligo treatment aims to address the underlying causes of the disorder, such as hereditary and autoimmune factors. Additionally, if the patient follows the instructions given properly, he can go back to his earlier healthy life.